
I take offence to that. Im an adult. And I want to brag to all my friends and have big drunk VR parties at my HUGE house.

Potentially that person is thinking for just straight viewing - like the Vive big screen viewer app is designed to work. Not only that, but home 3d projectors and screens almost all utilize active shutter.

So when you say used - you’re actually referring to pre-996. 996 and later are all becoming VERY affordable.

Yeah, he has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. Oh I know - its cool to be a Porsche hater because reasons and stuff. OH and they’re all just Bugs.

Did you forget that the 996's were universally hated and that they had 1 air and 2 water cooled designs in 10 years?

Check out the Gawker comments section. You’ll find plenty of em!

Hey, any chance at throwing rocks at us “fucking Americans” they take.

I was thinking the same thing - because we ALL have ultra low latency, high bandwidth connections wherever we go! amirite or what?!?

Seriously? Thats your solution?

Likewise and my girlfriend keeps bringing this up to me whenever I think about buying one - “did your keyboard AND mouse die on you? Thats why you got the Logitech gaming stuff, right?”

For someone like me that presents on my laptop, being able to use a whiteboard mode and physically draw on the screen with a stylus is king. Its made my presenting more engaging and audience awe factor is definitely there.

Its odd you’re trying to vilify Nintendo based on a level disappearing. Say this were to happen to a 30 year old? Im sure the article wouldn’t have even happened. It totally sucks for the kid and I do feel sorry for her, but if a mario maker level disappearing is the worst thing that happens to her this week, I think

Isnt that why we’re all here reading a blog?

Christ almighty. Thats a fine example.

Huh? Also, see below posts of orange cars.

That might come as a separate civil suit if the damages are enough.

You obviously have a decent bias backing up your assertion, but do you think because they didnt come that it was dispatch that didnt get it out? Or the actual officers really wanted to just tell you to fuck off and go pepper spray some riders. Oh, and im sure the next thing you’re going to tell me is they sprayed

I do too. I respect the hell out of law enforcement and the shitty things they put up with.

No, Your experiences(or incorrect examples) dont mean thats what happens.

You know $kay, you should definitely save this one for a future Ford related COTD... Same woman, more gorgeous vehicle.