
Their mom had them thriving, getting scholarships, doing great in school, being called perfectly well-behaved. She is a beloved pediatric opthamologist. What else do you want? Abusers abuse. It is not her fault. Do not take her kids from her because her ex is using them to hurt her.

The dad has had ten. Family Court is like that.

The entire case’s transcripts are available online, advocates have paid for them. All sides agree the mother has never, ever done anything they can pin on her, never bad mouthed the father, etc. They are blaming her for the kids’ accusations of abuse, and there is a CPS report and a doctor’s report to substantiate

The dad has had ten lawyers. What do you want to assume about him? The mom has done a flawless job with the kids, they can’t find any grounds for calling her unfit. For her count, you are counting in the children’s attorneys and groups that assisted her as well. You are also, now that we have the evidence of this