It is great that they pay such homage to Chrono Trigger. That ending music just has so much sentimentality, it lends itself well to the end of a memorable event. I do hope they try doing a Chrono Cross run next time.
It is great that they pay such homage to Chrono Trigger. That ending music just has so much sentimentality, it lends itself well to the end of a memorable event. I do hope they try doing a Chrono Cross run next time.
The problem still persists into moderately expensive ‘upper end’ models though. And they just represent the superheroes in a terrible light. I guess the quality was upped during the figurine boom for comics in early 90s, but it has never went back to that kind of quality for mid tier figures.
True. Though even the ‘high end’ Hasbro/Mattel lines are still very sub par. It’s like they rarely care about the actual sculp.
Yeah, I don’t think we are really disagreeing on anything there. NX absolutely must catch up or surpass the median and they can’t just keep playing catch up. If the NX is another more marginally more powerful system, it’s going to be in trouble.
It is very likely Horii is involved considering he supposedly has been asking around for a new composer for DQXI
I wish I can say system power doesn’t matter, but Wii U shows that it clearly does. Yeah, especially when Wii U can not have a proper Unreal Engine 4 on it, it’s a HUGE problem.
Maybe. But the NX system rumors said the new system should be around the power level of home consoles.
Kotaku itself announced it just now:
The newest Ace Attorney game going back 100+ years makes me hopeful more games look into some of the past cases. Some characters died before fulfilling their potential. It’s something Edgeworth’s 2nd game did a great job of filling in the blanks as to the people Edgeworth has lost.
Yeah, but the footages of Zelda U so far has been very early footage where they have barely gotten started. No stages, monsters or even a finalized look for Link yet.
There’s always a chance the NX is some kind of a handheld or even a handheld/home-console hybrid system, sure. Though I think it’s safer a bet for Nintendo to try another home console right now. I don’t think they’re quite that desperate yet to do something so bold.
So going off from rumors, maybe the system will be somewhere inbetween Xbox One and PS4 in terms of power. Or Nintendo has actually shifted their plans so it’s more powerful than the PS4. Either way, it will at least allow for Unreal Engine 4 (which DQXI is running on for the home console version). This also means the…
There’s absolutely nothing about DQ games that interconnects with eachother except for a few games that has cameo appearances like Dragon Quest 9 did. I wouldn’t worry about it. Though I do think there’s 4 or 5 must play DQ games you absolutely should play. Dragon Quest 3 through 8 should be a must play.
Cool! If you can, go for the Japanese subbed version, as it retains the great opening/ending songs and actual videogame music. It’s rather butchered on the English broadcast. Even if it’s still fun.