
That leak about the ‘male protag only’ sounds like a cheeky leak on purpose to get people hyped for it that two genders are still there.

Bound to happen really, considering the story.

I don’t really understand this level of cynicism about the game. The game looks great. The monster animations are fantastic and so is the gun/fireballs filling up the screen. It looks like they learned a lot from Rage.

I think Extra Credits is far too biased and always goes for the sensationalistic angles. Especially the past few years. Sure, there’s some ‘consensus’ on some games, but I don’t really agree with it.

Looking good to me. I like how the darker areas aren’t so dark as to not being able to see anything like in Doom 3. And the veriticality is a nice change of pace for this series. The gruesome ways of dismembering and meleeing demons is great too. And they even have a Halo style Forge mode. It’s looking a lot more

I’m ok with Other M. I think the story was more mishandled than outright sexist, because Samus still gets it down in the end.

In a sense, it makes more sense that it would be a whole different universe for GT though. Cell saga was more about the multiple timelines within the same universe.

All of them aren’t canon except for the 2 recent movies the past few years.

The crowd’s reception was beyond embarrassing. Maybe they could have shown it off in E3 and not here. I heard precisely ONE person cheer for it when the game came up and the crowd uneasily clapping for it later on. Not a good look.

Thanks to the ‘12 universes’ spill by Beerus in the movies, perhaps GT’s continuity is in one of them.

Sweet logo design. I really dig it.

I honestly don’t know why they are making a big deal of monogamy influences because I have never got that out of these two characters especially.

It may not have captured that ‘must play’ status, but it’s still quite popular with a pretty loyal fanbase for what it’s worth.

Nuzlocke: The Next Generation.

Angelique is still pretty iconic and I really like the anime they occasionally has as well. Definitely one of the major franchises in gaming, not just for Otome subgenre.

No. I just can vouch for Greg as a long time visitor is all.

Don’t bother with people actually asking you that question seriously. So many morality trolls these days.

A lot of schools especially after middle school level does have martial arts clubs as well. Namely with archery, long-spear and kendo practices. So a lot of kids may actually have a lot more weapon knowledge just from going through schooling. Hell, I had some practice with Kendo as well.

That is pretty terrifying I have to admit. Even holding a foot long meat cleaver is terrifying to me.

Saw too little of her in the anime so it should be interesting to see her in action.