
Glad this made toppings comment.

This is certainly true. His moving Little Ceasar/Olympia Entertainment’s HQ to the Fox Theatre & renovating that old, huge ornate theater provided a positive anchor downtown (or near downtown, anyway) when the business district literally looked like a post-apocalyptic wasteland in the late 1980s-late 2000s. He also

I’m also not sure why he always gets credit for turning the Tigers around or why I was supposed to feel bad they never won the WS. He bought them in ‘92 and treated them like the red headed step child for over a decade. It was only when they got historically awful that he was shamed into actually putting a decent

Nice to see that he was given his due to the tune of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars while the city was bankrupt.

Dammit. I had a joke loaded and ready to go. However, I must bow to your greater one.

Say what you will about Illitch, but without him, all the Downtown Detroit teams would have went suburb years ago.

Rest in Pizza-Pizza

Yep. That’s the corporate world.

Tell me about it. Though I’ve never in the gaming industry, the film industry is no different. “Thanks for helping in creating this stellar movie but we’ve got to let some of you guys go”. Oh, let’s not let go of the junior artist, the senior artist cost too much to keep ... so see ya and good luck!

You don’t need to guess. That is EXACTLY what happened. It’s standard operating procedure with Activision. Drive people to near insanity to meet deadlines with financial goals that are impossible to meet. (How could a new IP in the franchise compete with BO3?)

Standard practices across corporations unfortunately, which is why I people buy into the lie that lowering taxes on corporations will bring in increased pay and jobs to the little guys. HAH. Reminds me of an article I read somewhere... maybe Gizmodo.. about employees not actually realizing how much of a difference

Hey - you sound like you’ve worked in the corporate (sourpuss) world before!

That statement is missing a couple instances of ‘innovative’, ‘disrupt’, and ‘engagement’, but with a few tweaks I think that kid will be ready for his SXSW speech.

Top end of the scale after tenure. Your point? Teachers who spend 20 years in their service should be paid 20K? Give me a break.

Unions are the most evil thing in the world for some people because they know this one guy who knew a dude who dated a girl who once drank next to a teacher who was drunk in class and the teachers union made it so he got to keep his job, marry the high school cheerleader and write run on sentences with no

Sadly I disagree they will remember it at the polls.

Ah yes the old “public safety” clause to exempt police unions, although firefighters benefit too, from destructive legislation in reward for their decades of unwavering Republican support. Even as the party continues to fight any kind of common sense gun laws that would probably reduce the number of cops who get shot

Then her union is doing a shitty job.

I enjoy how every single one of these union busting jackholes always have an exemption for the Police Union. All unions are bad! Except the one that actually is corrupt as fuck.

You are very correct. The rural whites who lost all there jobs to globalization latched on to anyone else they see as elitist, who are still doing OK in the US, and are voting in elections to bring them down to the same level they are.