Of that I have no doubt. Trump’s inauguration only had an attendance of around half a million.
Of that I have no doubt. Trump’s inauguration only had an attendance of around half a million.
Assault weapons aren’t illegal in Canada, they’re restricted, which means you need to go through additional safety testing and background checks, same as handguns.
This kind of reminds me of a few years ago here when the government of the day ordered the air force’s VIP plane to be given a flashy new paint job instead of the usual low-visibility grey. When it was unveiled the reaction was basically “they turned it into a Conservative Party billboard.”
Especially since 90% of those players are from countries where “fuck” isn’t as taboo as it is in the US.
I imagine his staff live in terror of the day he decides to tweet about Niger or Nigeria.
Saying you’re 40% Irish and live in America seems like a strange way of saying you’re not Irish at all.
Just a bit of a correction: Anne was the last Queen of England and the last Queen of the Scots and the first Queen of Great Britain.
Because a few thousand people in Toronto are completely representative of the entire country.
Nevertheless, it makes no sense for them to take their foot off the gas. Doing so treats Thailand as though they are inconsequential (disrespectful) and screws with the USWNT rhythm, intensity, and momentum.
Number 12 in the header image.
It took me a couple of seconds. I’m a bad nerd.
They are not at the invitation of the monarch, they are at the invitation of the government, which the monarch is bound to honour.
There are nearly half a million Punjbai Sikhs among 1.9 million South Asians living in Canada, numbers that include the leader of one of its major political parties.
Congratulating more than 975 West Point grads on behalf of President Stay-Puft, Pence promised them their “commander in chief will always have your back. Mr. Trump is the best friend the men and women of our armed forces will ever have.”
I can’t be the only person who thinks that if you go to Dennis Rodman’s birthday party you kind of deserve to be randomly slapped.
Oh, you got that Oosterhoff asshole? My sympathies.
Black is a Canadian who also has British citizenship.