
You’re one strong mama and good for you for taking time to get much needed sleep. When I have trouble pumping, I find it helps to go back and forth between hand expressing and the pump. It’s also easier after a shower or hot bath. I think the relaxation does wonders. Lentil soup too. But no matter what you feed her,

This timeline is confusing; is my reading comprehension off? Let’s generously say he killed the elephant at 10 years old on a family hunting trip. Roughly 60 years later a septagenerian goes off to war and has a dildo carved for the missus? Either grandpa’s got game or his offspring are turning his prized hunting

I’ve decided to focus on contacting my reps about one cause each week and doing one physical thing, like attending a march or workshop, or just brainstorming with girlfriends over drinks. The rest of the week is for self care/life. I get too stressed otherwise. It’s hard not going down the rabbit hole of news though.

I’m betting they also have parental notification laws. Guessing they’re also assuming the husband will be monitoring any insurance statements for pregnancy tests or ultrasounds. And allowing your physician to sue is pretty fucking evil.

I posted this elsewhere, but the NEA one made me look at other petitions.

Has anyone else noticed the fishy numbers on the White House petitions website? I’m hoping it’s just a site glitch, but if you look at the top petitions on the landing page there is one number for signatures, but if you actually click on the petition to see more detail, the number changes. For all the “anti-Trump”

Starring because something is definitely wrong with the NEA/NEH petition.

House buying can get emotional, for both sides, so a neutral party is really invaluable. Often you will put in a “good faith” sum as a kind of hold during the closing period (a couple thousand). This becomes part of your down-payment once you close (eg. down-payment is $30,000, you give $3,000 of that upfront in

So, if Trump does the whole buying across state lines thing, can we all get in on this? Wishful thinking.

We ended up at a different hospital than expected due to a C-section, and man were they tight on security. The matching wristbands, alarmed ankle monitor on baby, closed maternity ward, hospital lockdown.

At six weeks bones are only just starting to form. I consider bones to be pretty essential to viability.

I think the cognitive dissonance is going to kill me before the nuclear winter does.

I need to talk about what the blonde woman is wearing. What social setting is that for? What use is the jacket?

I need to talk about what the blonde woman is wearing. What social setting is that for? What use is the jacket?

Make this your mantra, “It’s fine, this is what works.” Planning drug-free, ending up with a c-section; it’s fine, this is what works. Baby won’t sleep in the crib and now you’re hippy bed sharers; it’s fine, this is what works. Baby is oddly soothed not by classical, but rather by inappropriate rap music; you get the

I went on and off it twice for pregnancies and as long as you follow your doctor’s weaning schedule, you should be fine. One week I didn’t do it exactly right and the only side effect I had was feeling like a bus hit me for half a day.

I’ve got solo baby duty tonight, so all I could muster was to throw some leftover roasted butternut squash, red onion, and cranberries into a cheese quesadilla with some cumin. Guac to top it off...A+. But earlier in the week those same roasted veggies went with some seasoned wild rice blend and baked flounder topped

Let me raise a glass of brain bleach with you.

Okay, so what does the end result of this actually look like? Will hospitals now have little potter’s fields full of fetuses? Will the anti-choice people be holding vigils at these locations? Is there going to be a boutique industry of fetal cemeteries? Will cemeteries be accounting for a 25% miscarry rate when buying

Thanks for the update; just read the salary thing a few minutes ago.

Totally. You know he just wanted to self-promote and start Trump TV, so he played a massive, ego-stroking game of chicken. He probably had investors lined up and contracts to be finalized, all gone to shit now. Instead he gets a presidential salary, more homework than he’s ever seen, and no liberal elite president at