The what now?
The what now?
I don’t get it. Are they saying the lessees will be forced to update their car via OTA which will later increase the lease payment? What will be in the OTA’s? Do customers pay for the OTA? Features? Bug fixes? Recalls? There’s so much missing information in this article blog.
DPPA, passed and signed in ‘94. Keeps private virtually all id’ing personal info from license plate numbers. So, no, theres basically no risk of anything nefarious happening from plate numbers being shared. There’s certainly no harm in blurring out the plate, but there’s just no reason at all to do so, or any real…
I can help! This is my friends dad’s vehicle. He owned a body shop in Texas and built it before retirement. He loved shortened vehicles and they tow this behind a converted bus. They moved to Richland several years ago when my friend got a job up there.
Why not? You drive around with it clear as day.
Why would it not be?
Even if the kid’s a psychopath he should be put in a mental institution not an adult prison. There’s no possible way that can make him a better person. In ten years he’d either be dead or just plain deadly.
MKE guy here: I've been following the story since details began to emerge, and it sounds terrible. You bring up some fair questions about the boy's true intentions and his understanding of the consequences of his actions. No matter the cause nor the intention, charging this kid as an adult is reprehensible. If the…
This doesn’t make any fucking sense.
Sounds like pretty profound mental and psychological issues at play here. I’m not saying those issues justify violent tendencies but at his age I’d imagine some kind of supervised care facility might be more appropriate than jail.
Okay Jalops, I say we pool our money to keep Borgward alive, once in control we can then build nothing but brown manual rear wheel drive station wagons!
The simulation is getting weird AF
And what exactly am I projecting, oh internet psychologist?
I love my QX80, the bugs are worked out by now and that ridiculous engine tows my project cars on a flatbed unlike the suggested replacements in this article. I wish manufacturers would spend more time improving what they already make rather than injecting new untested problems into our lives and making us pay for…
Hold up on the QX80. My wife drives on and we love it. The base model had all the tech we needed, it’s speedy for a vehicle of its size, and I’d call the look tastefully understated rather than boring. It feels luxury without being obscenely expensive, and is also big enough for family of 5 plus dogs and some gear…
Hot take, the Mazda CX-5. It was great when it came out but is getting less and less competitive as Mazda has kept it pretty stale. Also, with Mazda pushing out the CX-50 out that directly competes with the CX-5 it is obvious they are just going to let it wither on the vine then axe it. Why not just go ahead and kill…