Shiny Metal Giant

That's like saying I brewed a storm after using the toilet.

The (((AV Club))) has been going downhill since they were bought by the Jewish Mexican drug lords named George Soros and John Podesta. /s

I'll need some cheering up after I'm reminded I'm not stronger than a dog

It seems news is now feeding us information with a huge dose of the reporter's bias

I remembered how less than a day Batman V Superman and this got released, they both got 9.3/10 on IMDB

That's how I choose my politicians

Good Morning America!

To be honest, most China special effects extravaganzas are their version of Gods of Egypt

Does anyone regularly watch Full Frontal?

Reliable Donald Trump

It was Trump semen

Inspiring. Shocking. True. A timely movie in a time when the Hillarys are fundamentally transforming America into something the Founding Fathers wouldn't recognise. All Americans should be like him.
~ A True American rewieing Unfrozen Caveman Republican

Like Ben Carson

9/10 Too little mayonnaise

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