
Not to mention that they literally had her last line be something like “My job was just to get you this far.” Whaaaat??? Way to spell it out, assholes.

You know, if I see one more person say “What were they supposed to do, she wanted out” without even fucking acknowledging the reason it got to that point, I’m go to Hulk out.

I haven’t played magic in years, but, YEAH, I can still build a killer ice-age era deck with stuff around the house.

ugh, i am so sorry you went through that. it sounds awful and humiliating. sounds like you are in the UK. not sure how the pharmacies handle narcotics over there. i know it’s a big hassle here for a friend of mine recovering from a severe back injury. she has to see a pain management specialist who isn’t covered by

and an issue with the pharmacist calling me a pill seeker and not wanting to fill the pain meds

That shit happens. You will also mix up lunch bags out of fatigue and complacency. You will believe lies about brushing of teeth, of wearing sunscreen. You will say, “Be careful”, when you fucking know they’re not going to be careful.

So, I am a peanut allergy person and my parents regularly forget. I have no idea how I lived, tbh—my parents would order my sundaes, forget to tell the restaurants no nuts and when it inevitably came with nuts, just say “eh” and scrape them off. To this day, my father will offer me a handful of nuts and I’ll just kind

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe” - Albert Einstein.

Nope. Just when you think things have gotten too insane, someone comes along and ramps up the lunacy. The Republican Party is a prime example of how infinite crazy is.

Jesus tapdancing Christ... How do you manage living on that island? Everything is trying to kill you AND waffles “aren’t a thing”?

I’ve always liked the name ‘Bob’ for that, because it fits any gender.

The raise makes sense to me. In a novel by one of my favorite scifi authors (Lois McMaster Bujold, for the record, Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance), a government building is slowly collapsing via liquefaction of the ground beneath it, and some of the workers are wisely getting out. As they’re observing it from across the

They’re immune to arrows, you know.

Americans are fat because they eat too many refined carbohydrates and do no exercise. That has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the gluten content of their food. Gluten is a protein composite.

According to an interview, he took LSD. Also DMT. Also MDMA. (All a number of hours before his little rampage.) And he's got mental health issues. Apparently he's done this sort of thing before (also while on various drugs).

Obviously. A real RPG player would've called it a critical failure. None of this "epic" business.

From the source article:

My initial problem with this is that he is touring Paris with his family and is on Champs Elysees and decides to go to McDonalds for lunch?! There is something very insulting about that.

"It doesn't really add up and it seems there must be more here than is being reported or something."