
Looks pretty good to me.

what the fuck is this lmao

I agree that it sounds good on paper, but the end result hurts my brain trying to put it together.

You poor summer child. So unaware.

In the end, we’ll find out the CIA owns Huawei

Does it interfere with the NSA’s backdoor and spyware?

Should we send them a return ping?

Cool story bro, but you know who would say that? An alien!

Radio stars?? I thought that video killed all of them in the 80's? 

If it shortens to every 15 days, then every 14 days, and so forth, we’ve got a problem.

Veronica from Fallout: New Vegas. She was the first NPC I’ve ever completely altered a playthrough for based solely on the fact that she was my friend.

tiny tina.

I know it’s already been said, but a space bro Garrus

Your Ultima comments jarred something loose from the bowels of my childhood. Iolo the Bard. He was pretty much the first NPC you ran into in each iteration of the game. I loved that dude and looked forward to seeing him. It was like a good friend that you would see every couple of years and it was like you never left.

Let’s just get this out of the way

I see Tesla is now doing with their cars what I used to do with my Bumble profiles. See, I’m not technically lying — you see, I used to be a chiseled, rippling mass of 6'4" muscle.

Yup. You essentially have two options in 2020: Either a luxo ride with more screens than they have information to put on them, or some rental-spec garbage that makes you want to die a Nissan.

This. Reminds me of this hilarious display of how out of touch people can be with reality.

Neutral: There’s essentially nothing in the new car marketplace that I find desirable. I’m a simple man who doesn’t need much to be satisfied, but I’m not a masochist. 

Found this in the comment section on Youtube