
We should have gamercat reruns

Its on hiatus for three months.

They should!

Now playing

They’re actually just doing the Batman.

Picture of attempt is above

“finding anything and everything racist and getting offended by anything and everything”

Yeah, but, take a moment to consider this counterpoint:

Also obligatory:

On a completely off topic comment.... am I the only one who thinks Michael Phelps looks like the tall guy from Big Fish? I can’t be.... can I? Ok, nevermind.

I don’t have ad-blockers on my browsers, because I know it hurts the sites I like and that it’s a small price to pay to support my favorite sites.

Oh. Well that makes sense! Mostly I wanted to make a bad joke.

Yeah, nendoroid figures are some of the most widely bootlegged figures.

The best way to protect yourself from buying a bootleg is to either order from GSC themselves (they do direct sales to customers, not sure what limitations there are), buy from a reputable store/company (like importing it yourself from a Japanese

I worried so much about fake nendos when i was getting into them. Typically though if you type in “fake and whatever your nendoroid is” theres someone out there thats found it before you if its been made.

Sure there wasn’t a mistake in translation Brian? Because...I call this place “heaven” ;)

I know where I’m going after payday next week. Thanks for the heads up!!

The incredibly sad fact is that he’s still a notch above the president with his statement on Charlottesville; how in the bleeding hell is that even possible?

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

Well shit. I was hoping if I got up early enough that I could avoid the comment bitching about how much PA sucks. You miserable fucks stay up all night to be whiny little bitches, don’t ya?

I don’t know if that’s entirely fair. It was Kojima’s choice not to use David Hayter to voice Snake in MGSV, not Konami’s, and that’s shitty no matter how great Kojima is otherwise.

Well, to the people in charge of (our good friends) Saudi Arabia, extremism is things like women driving cars and not being covered head-to-toe. Misogyny is something Herr Asshat and those pricks share pretty hard.