I’m so glad they turned one of the most badass female Final Fantasy characters into a dumb barbie. Just what this character needed.
I’m so glad they turned one of the most badass female Final Fantasy characters into a dumb barbie. Just what this character needed.
Thanks. This is the most reasonable answer I’ve gotten so far.
From the article I’m guessing since this is a members only place they’d have to register in advance and list their interests or something.
I’m completely clueless about the problems women have in Japan. Was kind of surprised from reading the comments. Is it that huge of a problem?
So glad you’re bringing this back. Good insight into the industry and hopefully prepare those of us with ambitions to work in it in the future.
No Please Monkeys?!
I had Mad Max preordered and after preloading and booting up the game at release it refused to work. Through some troubleshooting one of the possible causes was the DRM (or whatever you want to call it) with no solution in sight, so I asked for a refund.
At least the stormtrooper got to walk out of this alive
This is still my favorite
Interested in AniManga events more than pure cosplay. Planning on going to Japan next year, would be great if I managed to go to an event like that.
Are there other events like this year around in Tokyo?
Why does this look so much like JoJo?
Comes bundled with all of the games or just the game for each respective color 2DS?
Reminds me of DMC 4. That’s not a bad thing.
I live in a muslim majority country and I can confirm to you that this is absolutely false.
Really glad she added a tl;dr/ADHD section at the beginning.
I don’t know but that feels like a really lame self-censoring attempt. If they really wanted to self-censor they would have changed the animation or the character’s design instead of slightly change the camera angle.
I’m happy more voices in the industry are actually speaking out about this.
I want this! Planning to go to Japan in Spring, hope its still in stock by then. I’m not even sure if they’ll allow me on my flight back with this thing but I still want it!