
You’re a dick, Jonathan.

I actually fear I may have to give up marvel comics the direction it looks like they’re going. I got into them when Marvel Unlimited let me read comics online, and I started right off with issue 1 of X-Men and reading for there ... until I hit a large gap of comics unavailable to read online. Other series seemed to

So what you’re trying to tell me is that I can’t blame the 3DS screen for my inability to do well in Art Academy?

Well I’m glad to see that kotaku has made sure to announce the announcement of an announcement of their announcements.

Here’s the only Yoshimitsu you’ll ever need.

The legacy of this game is more nightmarish than anything I ever encountered in Silent Hill.

Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?

I think that argument only works if the player who got spammed here lost and whined about it. But they won.

Snyder & Capullo’s Batman has been easily the best, most consistent DC book in the New 52 era. I’m really excited to see where this goes.

it is a great and fun 3d fighter that happens to be pleasing to the eye.

Where Pro DOA Players look

“you’ve just dodged a 60 dollar definitive edition” fuck you for not paying the developers who put countless hours of hard work into their games.

Clearly some kind of ninja trickery, as he looks just like most other anime character ever created.

No problem. Just let Del Toro and Kojima work together once he no longer works for Konami and then they can make a horror game based off of their idea for Silent Hills. The difference is that it will be a new IP. Bam.

Still waiting for Final Fantasy IX on PC...

I still like watching Frieza get his ass kicked, though. It was enjoyable the first time around. And it’ll still be enjoyable for me!

Now it’s Reyn Time!

PC elitists are getting more and more annoying every day. I wonder if they realize that while gaming did get started on PC it’s the massive mainstream market and appeal of consoles that keep the big hits viable and the reason the pc ports sometimes come later. Face it, consoles sell more software than PC. At least on

This man deserves all the shame he will get for this, and some.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t make it but just licensed it and cashing from it which I consider a dick move but also a very smart one. Like a real troll.