
Vegan, then?

It’s not enough to make me pass on the game, but I do have to admit that being forced to kill animals isn’t really something I enjoy in a video game.

i dont mind it when it fits the game’s milieu (Ancestors: Become monke or Far Cry Primal come to mind), but in a random European village?

I long ago stopped reading most gaming media and I’ve unsubbed just about every YouTube gaming channel I used to follow. My engagement with video gaming now is one part hanging out on Kotaku mainly to have somewhere to socialize about it (since as I mentioned elsewhere my offline life is practically devoid of “nerd

I might have to buy a new hair straightener IDK IDK.

In the article Carville himself says that those policies you mentioned are popular among voters. Carville said. “Most people agree with us on health care and minimum wage and Roe v. Wade and even on the climate. So why can’t we leverage that?” He doesn’t oppose those things.

bingo, it’s disheartening that this is the top comment

If you really think you have never said anything dumb online you are just still too irrelevant for anyone to dig through your history and call you out on it. Also probably too young if you are arrogant enough to truly believe this, or an ex-amish I guess. 

I supposed you’d like everything to have a difficulty slider and soloable? Do you want a “Play Offline” feature too?

Lol. Nice work bro. Good to know everyone in the world should be fully matured by age 29 and not need to learn anything else about social interactions or public image. Have you got like a strategy guide or something so everyone can be like you?

Just that it happened in Maximilian’s Hell.

I remember playing on my swingset in my backyard as a kid, my friends from the neighborhood choosing which characters we were from our favorite sci-fi movies and TV shows we were going to pretend to be for that day’s adventure. Kids fought over who was going to be Han Solo, the loser taking Buck Rogers or Starbuck, an

I’ve been saying for years that this ought to be Disney’s first live-action-to-animation remake.

My favorite semi-nonsense black hole science is the Doctor Who episode where there’s an extremely large spaceship trapped in orbit around a black hole, so different decks of the spaceship experience different degrees of time dilation, allowing the Doctor and companions to age at radically different rates as they

Thank goodness we live in a world where Black Holes are imaginary and we are all governed by the word of God as revealed through Christ and his disciples, or else I'd be scared.

(trades Whovian to Oakland)

OK, the physics guy here.

I had to be taken out of the theater when I saw it as a kid. It was all just too much. The old guy who looks like Your Grandpa betraying his friends and getting blown up, Anthony Perkins getting impaled on Maximillian's spinning blades, the zombie crew members, including that one woman's own father, Maximillian in

I had the same thing, but screw the cassette, I had the record. My collection included The Black Hole, The Rescuers, The Hobbit, The Empire Strikes Back, Tron, Superman, and The Dark Crystal.