NOLF needs a straight up reboot of its own. I don’t think there’s a more underrated IP in gaming than that series
NOLF needs a straight up reboot of its own. I don’t think there’s a more underrated IP in gaming than that series
Even Kathy Bissel who uses her $$ to rescue dogs?? Come on.
It’s exactly those times I'm happy for an unlimited cell data plan and GeForce Now on Android
Nice display of emotional intelligence there! 😘
Nice display of emotional intelligence there. 😘
So what you’re saying is, your brother is a completely spoiled asshole?? I was spoiled too, but white privilege to me is as obvious as the sun and as rotten as it gets
I’ve got no problem with that! 😜
Dude, who pissed in your cornflakes last night? The Montreal sketch killed.
Good luck trying to get Polish or Quebecian designers to demonstrate a nuanced Asian radar and cultural design in their video games. 🤣
Also, I’m having a hard time getting on the ground to see you on your little high horse as you play the passive aggressive game by trying to intone an insouciance of cultural eliteness or superiority by denigrating the comments section of a video game website that’s been successful for almost two decades; and had the…
What you call “assumptions” others call “Logic” and “Deductive Reasoning.”
I’ll agree with you on it being important to preserve games as history; but idk man. I used to fret about all that DRM shit you are and then I hit my 40’s and life got real.
But Phill Spencer has already said numerous times before that none of these huge acquisitions are meant to be platform exclusive. He has emphatically said they won’t be.
Not even if it means better pay, hours, working conditions and medical benefits for those same developers; along with creative control of their product?
But the physical copies are still available for purchase. Not to mention, all the eventual environmental waste that comes from physical media - this Netflix for games service helps with that for sure.
Personally, only speaking for myself, I’ve got no desire to play as any DC villain.
Fuck anyone and everyone that does any kind of business with MBS after the murder of Koshoggi.
I finally knocked it out and while I loved it, Sokka as written and performed kept the show from hitting the same levels of greatness as Naruto. But as you can see from my handle image, I’m biased.
I don’t expect you or anyone else to believe me; but I hung out with one of the Angel series regulars a few times and they made it known that Charisma is/was extremely difficult to work with, after I inquired because I was interested in her for another project I was working on at the time.