I think the crux of the blame really lies on Söderlund for forcing studios to use a game engine not suited for any genre of game.
I think the crux of the blame really lies on Söderlund for forcing studios to use a game engine not suited for any genre of game.
I think Söderlund making Frostbite mandatory across all studios is really the core blame and jump off point for all these issues.
Explain the context of your statement. Do you work at said company? Sincerely asking. Congrats on your gifted PS4!
This just makes me want to go back and break through my stuck point in MGR.
I really hope the higher end one comes with an Oled screen and harder to scratch glass front and a GPU at least powerful enough to release any game same day as PS Pro or XBox
Actually, USC does an excellent job of that. I was repeatedly denied financial aid there because my Dad could afford to send me there, but he chose not to. So, every semester I’d only get a few hundred dollars and the first semester I asked why, they explained it’s because my father could afford to send me here. (I…
You left out Star Wars, they've been douching it ever since Disney killed the coolest character in movies by his bratty, emo, son.
You are so right in your analogy. And it makes me ashamed of myself, because I can totally re-watch or watch classic movies. But I rarely replay games I've beaten or owned. With the exception of a re-release on a new platform like on Switch or mobile. Which means I own more than one version of the same game on…
Looks like she’s fucked a lot of ugly men as long as they have money. So if you have money, you’ve got a shot too. ;-)
Yes that opinion sucks.
Where in the hell did you get that insinuation from??
Settle down. I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm telling you what the emotional undercurrent is that's going to hold her back and why.
The thing you’re missing is that she denied him a fair and proper investigation. She had a trial by media and you and everyone else voted him guilty without a fair hearing. And she did it just for her own political gain as dudebra said.
So well said. Thank you.
Fuck. This. Lady.
This is exactly why the wife and I aren't having them 😅
That's interesting. It's the idea of playing such a huge console level game on a portable anywhere I want that made it appealing.
Go back. It has one of the best stories of any game ever.