
I’ve read this and all your responses. You’re essentially being a snob about how one chooses to protest. Why?

Where is the evidence of him being a Grifter? Afaik, he’s a self made successful lawyer. Just because you don’t like his personality, it doesn’t mean you can project him as someone he isn’t.

“I must admit that I am now more conflicted about you. Not since I discovered Jennifer Spelowski was the best beatboxer in my middle school have I felt this level of confusion about a white woman.”

I’m always fascinated at your take being this as someone who voted for Brexit. It’s like a Trumper here being against Nigel and the other Brexiters. Where was your hate for Nigel and Boris when they were acting like Collins?

What I want is a Switch “Pro” model that's intended for adults that has an Oled screen, glass front and upgraded CPU and GPU. I’d pay $500 for it.

That would be ideal, unfortunately I’m OCD on such things and if there’s one speck of dust or hair on the screen under the screen protector, or of its not lined up right, I can’t take my eyes off it. So after spending too much money I care to admit trying to get one on with no issue, I finally decided to go without

I just want a screen that doesn't scratch if the wind blows on it.

I'll be the contrarian and say I'm down with her adding to the universe and hope she keeps writing for it. 

I agree its more what you’re saying in your first paragraph than TLJ backlash. A young Han movie was stupid.

No, it wasn't. And not for the reasons one would think. It sucked because all of the iconic things that make Han Solo who he is, were all given to him and he didn't earn any of it. His name, his blaster, the Kessel Run - all given to him. Making the character earn what makes them who they are through their own actions

I’m looking forward to your excuse when IX opens like Solo.

When you adjust for inflation and go by number of tickets sold, there's a big difference.

No, it’s more that nobody else wants the job.

Idk, the bit where he compared TLJ with ST: TNG and thought it was pretty funny. But I’m new to the guy, so what do I know.

But the bit about getting opinions from subordinates that compares between Star Trek: TNG and TLJ is fucking hilarious

A little OT, but what's the nation and culture like on weed in Australia? Is it a huge deal if you get busted with it there like some countries? Or is it more legalized or not as frowned upon like it is now in the states or Canada?

No one is upset at that. What people are upset about is progressive leaning detractors of the movie who have no problems with race or gender (and actually like those developments) but rather have a problem with narrative structure and character portrayal being lumped in with a smaller more vocal group of bigots.

Also, nobody else wants the job.

It's because nobody else wants the job. That's why she's still really there.

The writing for Rose's character was really bad. The actress got unfairly criticized for it.