
And you don’t have to look back far into history to find examples of how that ends (hint: badly and bloody).

I live in a country where it only took one mass shooting for the citizenry to get disarmed. We’re doing fine.

Christ, I’m just waiting for someone to claim this happened because Madden 2019 has a feature where you can choose how many of the players kneel for the national anthem.

I knew a guy who was just simply playing with his innocent hand gun, then got depressed and went out and shot up a pizza place with his video game.

This is actually quite logical.

I tend not to comment on women’s appearances but... do conservatives just have a little tree that cruel-looking blond women bud from?

Going to repeat this: South Korea and Japan play the same violent video games but they had an astonishing, let’s see, 32 and 31 TOTAL respectively for the entire year.

Video games do pose a tremendous hazard to our nation’s children. Even now, as a 40-year old man, I still find myself jumping on turtles, eating wild mushrooms, and climbing down random sewer pipes.

I tend not to comment on women’s appearances but... do conservatives just have a little tree that cruel-looking blond women bud from?

Video games. The NFL. Disaffected young men with mental problems. Chicago pizza.

Right? Late 80's = around 30 years old, possibly grew up in the NYC area if his/her mother didn’t move elsewhere post-affair. That’s a demographic that tends to lean left. Can you imagine being progressive and having a sit down with your mom and finding this out? Lordy.

People with weak chins and horse teeth should confront their mothers asap.

Vader redeemed himself. Trump isn't capable.

I think I'd prefer Darth Vader as my father. 

Does the kid know?

Our Economy is setting records on virtually every front - Probably the best our country has ever done. Tremendous value created since the Election. The World is respecting us again! Companies are moving back to the U.S.A.”

I’m a little disappointed the Weisselberg news only ended up in Dirt Bag. I’ve been waiting for an article on it all day, but...well, better Dirt Bag than nothing.

  1. Ivana and Marla have been taken care of and their lawyers got/get a percentage so prove to me that lawyers don’t want a piece of the Donald and the settlements.
  1. There’s two former Mrs Bonespurs who’ve proved that doesn’t work out well.

prove it.  If she did she’d divorce -- lawyers would fall over themselves to pick her up as a client.  She’s complicit and deserves all the scorn and hate she reaps.  Y’all remember that fucking statement jacket she wore on the way to meet illegally imprisoned border crossers?  I do ... and it shows she a c*nt.