
Nope, not alone. And they will eat you, unlike a stupid human.

Apparently, stress hormones are also bad for them. I end up on PPD when my baby was 3 months old. I was breast-feeding. Apparently, the hormones are worse for the baby (as was my total mania) than the small effects of the anti-depressant.

Taylor Kinney is seriously hot. That is all.

Did Heidi GIVE herself bunions?!?!?!?

This criticism is my least favorite of those that can legitimately be made of our reform(ing) system. It feeds right into Republican talking points at a time when we should be celebrating the first major movement towards allowing a huge portion of our population access to affordable, high(er) quality care! Yes, the

Wait, what about Duncan????

But what size skin pants would Marilyn Monroe wear?


Also, I bet Scott Foley is all anti-Fitz and Olivia because of the way things went down with Jennifer Garner. Or, I spend too much time thinking about these things.

I love me some Scandal, but NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT. It makes one's head spin. Also, I'm sort of over Huck and his torment. And Quinn and her downward spiral into psychosis. I'd much rather see Scott Foley sans shirt.

I had a dear friend tell me that while in Paris a decade ago, she ran into Brad Pitt and he stank!

All innocence is lost.

Of course! I was wracking my brain on what "SOA" stood for. I never got past the cable channels!

Sorry, what's SOA?

Anthropologie. Le sigh!

My dog thinks frozen peas are treats. The vet recommended them when I had to put the old guy on a diet. He LOVES them.

Did you read the whole post?

Yep, protecting a woman or saying she needs to be put on a pedestal, and the ole good girl trope. Both dangerous and, frankly, reductive. No one is all good and pure and shouldn't be seen as one dimensional.

These, which I already purchased on and I lurve

I'm surprised Elizabeth didn't make the list in the late 70's and early 90's. I had multiple Elizabeths in every class throughout k-12.