“I take accountability for the decisions I made [now that I’ve settled the complaints against me and they won’t go to a criminal trial.]”
“I take accountability for the decisions I made [now that I’ve settled the complaints against me and they won’t go to a criminal trial.]”
Or, hear me out. It’s showing what women go through at work and in life?
She’s better at controlling her rage which they explain so this allows her to change at will and she is more flexible. That’s two things. Not “everything”. Please let me know what I missed.
God forbid tv characters enjoy the same things we do, like Cheetos.
I should know better than to treat this comment as a good-faith argument about Bruce vs Jen’s abilities, even though it’s been a tired talking point for a month now since the first preview came out. But it should be stated at least once in the thread that this isn’t what the show actually depicted.
As soon as she walked into that restroom, I immediately thought, “Ewww. you’re barefoot.” Glad those ladies remedied that post-haste.
Obligatory Canadian comment that Orphan Black is Canadian. Now that that’s out of the way: I think this show is a delight! I do not take issue with the character design whatsoever. The point Jen makes over and over again that women can’t really hulk out and have to learn to manage their rage lest they’re seen as…
I’m sorry... da fuck is this list? Path to Power in the bottom third? World’s Strongest in the middle of the pack? Broly: Second Coming and Resurrection F in the Top 10? I don’t agree with TFS on a lot of stuff regarding Dragon Ball, but their movie ranking list I do largely agree on.
There is not a single movie in the bottom 2/3rds of this list that wasn’t fully elevated by DBZA. I’m not comfortable with any writers getting influenced by the show, but I get it, since TFS did such an amazing job with the material they were given. Like it or not, their effect on the fandom is probably going to be…
Imagine being so full of hate that you sit down and spend the time to design a mod that removes a flag you do not like in a game. Its some real “angry incel in their moms basement” level energy
With Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, a movie about how Piccolo is Gohan’s real dad
It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.
Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.
I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.
I was not aware that there was anyone who liked the ending, just different degrees on how much hating it made you retroactively hate the whole show. I wouldn’t go as far as many, but it definitely left me with little interest for more.
I’m skeptical. It seems like the GoT audience plateaued, and then they shit the bed and turned thousands of diehard fans into haters. I doubt HotD comes close to late-season GoT numbers, and the budgets on these things tend to keep increasing, especially with more dragon screen time in this. It’s bizarre that that…
Surely very few of these will ever get made, right? Launching this many spinoffs of a series that ended on a profoundly sour note that made many fans run for the hills seems like a bad idea, particularly for a company that is aggressively axing projects.
Yeah, at least Braff and Pugh don’t have kids stuck in the middle of a parent taking off for another continent for a relationship that’s going to last about 10 minutes.
Congrats to Jez for playing their part in the bullying!
Focus does need to be kept on getting the job done, regarding Trump, but it also has to be maintained on Trump 2.0, the Destroyer of Gay Disney, coming up. Now less orange and more Florida-y.
What’s next? They took my Fruit of the Loom underwear. They took my poop and bagged it. They took Melania lol