the last person to have been president of this country might have evidence of a crime in his possession
I mean, Shanks came out joint last in top 8. I don’t think we’re at the stage where top 8 finishes in Evo count as “losing”, although maybe the competitive field for DBFZ has shrunk down enough by now. Here’s to that rollback patch.
I’d love him as Doom - Doom has gone up against the Avengers, the Xmen, the FF, heck, even Spiderman.
I am familiar with that decision, and I choose to ignore it.
And Kanye is the born again Christian who loves jesus so much right?
I wonder if they’re gonna use the Garou MotW2 materials that were found (and dumped) or if they’re going in a different direction. The shadow in the reveal pic is obviously Kain R. Heinlein so they’re not dropping that plot point.
Mr. Esposito is an amazing actor and he deserves just about any role he wants.
20 years since the last Fatal Fury and that's your takeaway? Lol
Kudos to James Gunn for playing that just right. Now he gets to play in BOTH their sandboxes.
Disney winning the streaming wars rhymes a whole lot with Churchill’s “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other one’s we’ve tried”.
This is a boon Disney, honestly. Discovery’s blowing up the pipeline through which creatives can be developed within Warner, and is no longer creating content meant to drive streaming subscriptions.
The best part of this 10 year plan is that there doesn’t seem to be any “plan” involved. It’s just a bunch of general statements and buzzwords. If you break down what they said into an actual plan, they have nothing:
this was the 10 year plan only 2 years ago, can’t wait to see the next 10 year plan in 2 years.
Too bad they didn’t cover the part where, apparently, he hired nothing but white guys for executive positions after the merger.
Gotta love how Batgirl was canned to “protect the DC brand” when Ezra Miller has done more damage, especially to the Flash, than the Batgirl movie would ever do.