Leave it to Bethesda to use a synonymous term of “road map” on a game that needed to be completed at launch.
Leave it to Bethesda to use a synonymous term of “road map” on a game that needed to be completed at launch.
I could’ve sworn there were more categories for this awards show.
Call me biased, but Last of Us should’ve at least won something. Because that adaptation from a video game source was amazing.
Why not? That doesn’t mean it was the best or the winner, Ewan was great and sometimes one actor is all a show needs to push it (honestly, look at House MD, nobody was even allowed to be as eccentric as the main character or match him and it shows).
There you go! That’s the spirit, but you’re not moving on which shows me you really don’t believe in your own fanboyism.
Count more, you got a hundred thousand more negative reviews to go.
Keep it up keyboard warrior!
You know what’s wild? Before, we were at least able to look at something happening during those cut scenes.
And then came Death Stranding, and Hideo found a way to top himself...by waiting around twenty minutes, for the cut scene action in the middle OF A FIXED CUTSCENE....
wow, trash.
Starfield? Naw, I got die hard Bethesda fans who put it down after a week.
Log off AVclub, Phil, you’re drunk.
I really hate it when people seemly have a degree in something, and then you realize they don’t even remember the basics.
Yes, you can try to guess major points of a comic book story (wow, there is a BAD GUY that must be stopped by a GOOD GUY, so insightful!) But the journey itself, the growth of the characters and…
But everything in between Spiderman 2 wasn’t dull. You’re telling me that using your newly obtained power in between those scenes was dull?
I can recognize BG3 as the superior story, without having to undermine the thematic accomplishments through gameplay that Peter and Miles were able to do in their game.
Yeah, it’s a real talent to find coloration that takes away all the vibrancy and life associated with a character.
A Superman that allows killing on the first day on the job...WTF?
It only opened for the public when it’s aura of exclusivity turned into irrelevance. Keeping it private for so long made Sony and Nintendo create more inclusive events. Sure enough, the events welcoming fans sooner took out the private boys club.
This just makes me recall how infinitely dumb we were all acting for years over Death Stranding... not a single hint of gameplay context, because we were all suckered into believing it would be game of the year:
“Did you see those ladders!”
“Ok...but what are we doing with those ladders?”
“Don’t be so cynical! Those…
They are working together currently on the MGS film that has Oscar Isaac attached to lead. Now, I’m not going to be wishing for rainbows and unicorns...but a Guatemalan playing Snake would be as close to film ecstasy as I could get.
I can imagine how difficult it is to write for Superman.
....but that’s not the issue here, Snyder just used the Crayola red colors and said “tHiS sUPAmAn!”
Whatever the hell keeps him away from superheroes.
If in your second appearance of superman, you end up killing him...and that’s only the 3rd most interesting thing in the film, step away, forever.
We’re not going to talk about Venom?
Even though the cast was familiar, Venom was terrifying: the voices in your head when you fought, the way his transition from person to person genuinely changed their personality based on emotional anguish not just raw anger. Being able to actually be the bad guy is fun, but…
Eh...nobody’s playing it. It’s fine.
They don’t need to monopolize the industry, just the pricing.
So when the only way you can get COD is through game pass, with a 50 dollar mark up price, then you’ll wonder “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?”
Then when you wonder why Fallout is exclusive and costs 20 dollars more than other games on the market, then you’ll think “wait...is this what I wasn’t paying attention to?”
The trailer only showed less than 1% of South Florida.
We get loud as hell everyday, this dude feels entitled to the same grain of sand he got his unoriginal look from.