
But airlines are competing with each other, not competing for your service.
In theory, they could see 2 non-stop tickets but that’s only after constantly raising prices, raising restrictions, and less accommodations.
They created a bear trap, the trap worked, but now they’re complaining that the prey chewed their leg

Drake didn’t go after Childish Gambino because he actually cared about social justice, he went after him because someone popular may put a blemish on his record.
He was already set in making sure to stay a deadbeat dad, Drake only does anything because it might affect his stance of complete neutrality.

Don’t let the headline fool you.
This “failure” and why Microsoft is ok admitting to it, was the plan.
See how nobody is making them face any penalties even though they cost another competitor with Steam a pretty good amount of revenue for several years?
This was the test run for Sony. 

So basically, this was a test run to see how immediately monopolizing of a product and it’s distribution could help another platform lose as much money as possible.
This “failure” isn’t even a blink in the eye of microsoft’s revenue.
But I bet you Steam really could’ve used that money and support for those many years.

I remember this person once bragging that she could’ve hooked up with Prince William. Like her flex was that she could’ve been the new Princess of England.
Now her biggest flex is the Capri Glazed Porcelain flooring that she takes the same damn shots from (she does know she’s no longer limited to stay in her house,

Oh, you watched go ahead and shame me some more

You’re getting heated over the most basic plot possible: Fish out of water.
I’m sorry if i’m past your intellectual level. 

My favorite part is how multiple franchises were either exclusive or offered exclusive content to xbox, they were amazing games like Dead Space, Lost Planet, Dead Rising. Gears of War...
And they’re all basically dead, because MS never bothered to support their studios like Sony did to keep them afloat.
But...MS blames

Those writers and directors that created huge story driven narratives have basically retired.
What’s left now are those that worked in the industry at the height of action, action, and more action orientated titles.
Which is fine, but I’m highly suspecting that this title was likely going to be called something else,

It can be a great game, but it’s not final fantasy game.
It’s like cheaply using a well known franchise name to create something that could’ve been done under a different title, but would get less attention.
And that’s how you get Halo Wars, and now FF16. 

I love the fact that Brendan Fraser is so beloved that everything he’s been in since Doom Patrol has been golden.
And WB execs said: “Naw, we’ll put the criminal at the helm instead of a beloved, award winning actor with a legacy of great movies. That’ll get the box office draw!”

Where do you live? Because in humidity, swamp grounds paved to look like a tropical destination South Florida, I’m less concerned with the sun so much as oh....EVERY EVERGLADES MICRO-ORGANISM FLYING AROUND getting in my drink as it’s cooking.
I see why they don’t do Sun Tea down here.

Well it’s not a submersible vehicle of any kind either.
Given that shoddy gamestop PS2 controller they used, I’d call it DLC for the Titanic fishes.

That’s why I checked all the nominees, and they do have Argentina in there (which I’m fairly sure is not American or told to speak American for their country). Just adds to the fact that this is supposed to be about American limited sports brilliance, but even they can’t ignore Messi and company. 

Their own family doesn’t care about them and going to concerts.
At this point, you’re the only one. 

All I know is the moment this is over, Mickey is going to buy EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN AD space that made Jonathan guilty to mention his trial win.
Remember, the Mouse always wins.

I’m just swimming in the buffooneries of the supposed rich, white, and powerful.
Maybe if they empty their wallets, they’ll have enough air to float to the surface?
But I did see the news start to put hourly updates of how much oxygen they have left, which makes it feel like a weird form of a new year’s clock.
And yes,

How does every award (excluding women’s category) not go to Messi and Argentina?
They beat THE WORLD.
And I’m saying this as a Miami Heat, I love Jimmy for this year, but Messi just beat the best to be the best in history.  

VIII made using magic completely unnecessary and instead save it to raise your stats.
If a game is made with all these amazing special effects and action shots....I kinda want to see them.