
The asshole priest that introduced Uganda (a country that actually accepted gay relationships in their recorded history and even having a name to refer to it that wasn’t derogatory) to anti-gay propaganda was a white guy from America called Scott Lively.
I believe this is important to point out that outside forces

It’s clear now that they were picking the Celtics over the Heat, not because of talent, but simply because of the “prestige” of being on the Celtics team.
Celtics have no heart, even at home...and somehow that was going to get over Jokic? FOH

Considering neutral fans have been calling HIMMY to be the second coming of Jordan, the lack of attention that the media claims comes from one source...the goddamn media itself calling it low viewership.
For an entire season, these pundits will drone on and on over the greatness of clearly aged and declining stars like

Pretty sure that bond money alone could’ve paid for a replacement vehicle. Either way, anyone driving around Miami on a moped has it pretty damn tough (doesn’t help that our infrastructure makes anything under a semi-truck vulnerable on the open road). Hope this person gets paid to holy heaven. 

Disney was allowing PRE-ORDERS on merch.
If you can’t find any, I think you just answered your own question. 

When has a FF movie ever been called the movie of the summer?
The only quotable line in the entire series is : “Family”
You, won’t remember this summer by Fast X, even if it makes more money than the previous entry.
But to say people will remember this film over The Little Mermaid, now you’re the one that needs to get

Sounds to me like all this person can do is continue making other’s suffer.

Context is key.
It’s not that joke that offends, it’s the fact Cannon is still CLEARLY trying to get as many women pregnant.
And honestly, after a number this high, and his level of indifference towards the women, don’t be surprised at the Netflix special in the future.

But you get to pick a fight with like...EVERYONE you see down the street.
Now maybe you are too serious and cynical to see the amazing value with that.
But I’ll definitely be picking fights with everyone breathing...
“Hey, Old you see the black airforces?”

This Tekken was a lot different though than others. Yeah, movement is important, but with the established 360 attacks, you can control the opponent to stay in the 2D space.
And while I disagree (along with all the pros that were forced to play SFV for the giant tournament pots) that Ono going away helped. I do agree

Count me as one of the biggest haters in history of this game before people got their hands on it.
Then I saw Ryu being able to combo off his overhead, something he wasn’t able to do consistently since SF2. And that’s when I realized that everyone, not just a few, are going to be viable with tons of possibilities.

Come on now, Sam, we all know exactly how Ryu would sent text messages and emails...
*At a local Starbucks, Ryu has just set up his phone that he won in a fight...*
Barista: “No, no! Sir, we’ll help you send that text, just please don’t destroy the place again!”
“But, I apologized and paid for

TLM is actually a perfect showcase for acting talent.
Regardless of it being underwater (aquaman ruined underwater adventures for me as kid), the plot is pretty basic as a story goes.
The true appreciation and love for this film should be in the songs and acting.
Sounds to me that Halle Bailey killed it, so that

Run the race. Walk the block. Marathon as far as possible.
Because as long as this kid is alive and showing up, he’s a beautiful reminder of accountability and inspiration.

I can honestly thank the B-Wings and Admiral Ackbar for opening my mind in two ways: Something cool doesn’t always have to be symmetrical. And the good guys don’t have to look like me. 

Just watched it for the 40th anniversary screening.
As an immigrant child, I didn’t have idols or heroes. I didn’t know anything about this country, how could I? But then I watched Luke ruling so hard in this film, and it gave me something sweet for me to keep in mind whenever I feel weak: What would Luke Skywalker do?

How did the last writer’s strike can resolved?
I’m pretty sure they’re not going to get everything they want, but will come to a comprise....which honestly makes my ponder why so many execs are happy to be wasting all this time just getting to the table?

The only reason I want this man to be president, is so he’ll leave Florida alone. Presidents don’t care about Florida, Democratic ones see it as a losing battle and Republican ones are so confident about the votes that they don’t do anything but take photo ops at Pollo Tropical and then leave.
But Republican Governors,

That’s why I had no interest whatsoever in the first seasons of Arrow, never liked the setup of a Junior Justice League in Smallville and it looked like this would be the same. But then they had Slade actually kill his mom it made me think: “Um...this is usually reserved for the 4th season, wonder where they’re going

Pretty sure Ice Spice will get more attention for that collab with Swift, getting some Swifties to give her higher numbers, then bothering with...who is that guy?
Ice Spice becoming a bigger artist than that Healy person is probably the best way she can get back at him anyway.