
Pretty sure it wasn’t the first time, which would explain why the kids are...well...
...Jada may be more Appalachian then LA.

This...article confuses me...
Is it meant to shame Chris Rock...who shamed himself by publicly mentioning all his private matters, including the divorce...YEARS ago?

I agree with your overall point, and I’m not willing to call it collusion, but I can still call it a bit racist when now they’re using this bit to protect themselves...when they had a live record with Aaron Hernandez and just freely let him into the league. 

There ain’t no apology that Will can give that:
A) Fix his embarrassment
B) Fix Rock’s embarrassment
C) Will somehow justify his action in the first place.

I’m also suspecting that the precedent Watson left, including the unchecked baggage of sexually harassing women, but especially THE UNCHECKED BAGGAGE OF SEXUALLY HARRASSED WOMEN....
probably makes many teams reconsider that young black talent can be allowed so flagrantly into such a large contract.
I still think it’s

Is there any black multimillionaire comedian left that doesn’t pander to white audiences?
I think Paul Mooney, but even he passed away. 

I guess I’m under the context that they’re both just rich guys arguing, so my level of judgment on any side is skewed.
However, I do think that they are both kinds of toxic and this is when the unmovable object meets the unstoppable force...of crap. damn amazing to know. 

Oh honey...don’t start that with me.
We all know google, you’re not asking because you want to learn. 

He tortured prisoners in Guantanamo Bay,
are we really going to ask if the ocean of toxic blood and pollution is wet?

Ok, and when you attack the cynical comedian...I wonder how he’s going to act.
You’re not wrong, but my life’s advice is: “if you know that thing is toxic, why the hell are you getting anywhere near it?”

I read all of these jokes in Chris Rock’s familiar oddly gravely voice.
Pookie still slays.
Will Smith got the Oscar.
Chris Rock got new material to keep people interested a year later.

Is it though?
These companies aggressively pursue all sorts of ways and manners to raise profit, it kind of makes sense that they are well aware of what won’t make profit and avoiding environmental hazards.  

The sad thing is that they’ve been exposed and shown that they don’t believe in anything they say (which we kinda guessed anyway, because it’d be impossible for someone that stupid to talk clearly and read off a prompter).
So the real issue is that this is not freedom of speech if its intent is made up bullshit.

Well, this was the one property Mickey Mouse didn’t want ANYTHING to do with and made it very clear publicly that they weren’t purchasing them.
“I’ll deal with the chinese government, but those are real psychos...ha haw!” 

FYI I believe it was Crowbcat and Matt Mcmuscles that have intensively covered the issues, including what I think is the most heinous:
Using up funds and resources for the fake E3 video they used to show case, while the real team was still crunching and desperately needed those funds.

I was heavily distracted by that Elon tweet of him commenting on higher education.
Now, I don’t want to simplify it as someone who’s hating from outside the club....
But I think it’s funny as hell that you spent 4 billion dollars to complain, and still can’t get in! LOL

I’m glad the creators are holding back any DLC that may take away from the first player experience.
Yes, i would love a boss rush mode or some ridiculousness...but respecting every one of your accomplishments is the nice way of the creators saying “you’ve earned your moment of glory and wins”

And when another scheme that his father wants to have with MAGA followers doesn’t go through, is he going to claim racism?

I feel like there is another story to tell here similar to ESPN’s OJ Simpson: Made in America
Where the premise would be that the years and years of allowing Rockstars in this country to get away with pedophile behavior for so long finally created the monster above.