
If JLo got shot that evening, how much you wanna bet he would’ve made 100 mill off her posthumous tour with a hologram?

Draymond vs UD:
First one to break a hip is the loser and must give up their title of “old but somehow we keep them on the team for good luck even though they’re -14 on the court”

Most of those execs look like they just heard Orson Welles The War of the Worlds the week prior on their radios.
(it was a google tablet disguised as radio, but the intern was scared out of their mind and used some really good macaroni art).

Of course he cheated talent out of money, look how he made a fortune off his dead friend Biggie...
As far I can tell, he was probably the one that ordered the hit.

The bigger question is what can Thomas and company get from a free trump?
They’ll embarrass themselves for trump, that’s for sure.
But he’s not guaranteed to be the president again, not when trump wannabes like Desantis are ready to split the vote.

I guess that’s the crux of the Kyrie issues:
If he’s going to put himself as some sort of voice or leader of the people (like the aforementioned charities he gives and provides for), it doesn’t fall in line with the obvious rebellion act that he puts on every single damn season.
To paraphrase Trevor Noah during the

Oh that “Eat Shit Bob” musical is on a scale that the Daily Show could only top when John and Colbert were still around.
The best thing Trevor was allowed to achieve on that show was the between the scenes, everything just seems so conformed to a pattern. 

I won’t lose sleep over it, everything was in motion before Disney found out how batshit crazy she was going to be.
If they gotta get Shuri out of the way to put Kilmonger for the next Black Panther title, i’ll deal. 

It’s unfortunate, but Disney tends to listen to fans on these matters. I’m sure they were going to make Kilmonger the next Black Panther, but couldn’t get it done for this picture.
So, just like the bad CGI scenes in the last movie, it’s an eyesore we can get past for the amazing movie in general.

Love that new lore, that whole winged feet was inspired by Hermes but didn’t make sense since I can’t recall any major stories of him with water. Plus, his father is Zeus not again, just didn’t see the connection.
Not only is connecting him to the awesome Quetzalcoatl inspired, but now they can update

I love that twist on the origins of Namor they just mentioned in the trailer.
Which means he comes from this god-

I agree a thousand percent. Noah is in his prime and can do stand up very well, but the between the scenes, where he wasn’t stuck to that rigid format...that was where he shined.
In fact, that part was the whole reason other celebrities wanted to be there and join in (Even Oprah did the between the scenes!).

I can’t help but feel that Trevor would’ve stayed on longer, if he had won an Emmy or two. But every year, there is no competition with Last Week Tonight. And that’s because the show doesn’t have the same cultural impact and freshness and immense amount of talent that it had with John Stewart.
I’m not saying that this

Who cares what his identity was.
He wasn’t trying to figure out who Batman was, he was trying to get him to solve his clues.
“Hey, you’re Bruce Wayne! I guess my gigantic plan to destroy gotham will stop so I can kiss your white privileged ass!”

Didn’t Batman already take on Falcone in his first year? And Year one Batman was a menace. Either way, at least Gordon had a reason to be surprised and oblivious to this extreme escalation of crime while still managing to keep it together.
But that Batman...just seemed more interested in beating up the poor than

But he literally said he has been doing this for years. YEARS.
And Riddler even told him that he had left all the clues to figure his scheme out.
Riddler clearly overestimated him. And quite frankly, that whole scene of Batman over a destroyed Gotham gives me those same stupid Man of Steel vibes of...

That’s hysterical, because i’m surprised THAT is what triggered you and not the rape scene.

Maybe it’s just me being cynical, but I think he’s accomplished as much as he could with that show and anything more would be redundant.
The only thing missing would’ve been an Emmy, and he’s never going to beat John Oliver on that one.
He might as well move on, it’s easier now with his current popularity.

He just had like 3 this past year, and had that useless waste of space Tomi Lahren as well, multiple times.
I do understand the difference, and I commend Noah for the great work he did accomplish.
But John Stewart would’ve told that little piece of crap straight up:
“Why do you think racism is necessary for your party?”

I really didn’t like The Batman film (he’s basically useless, Riddler was actually upset he allowed himself to get caught by someone so stupid).
But Jeffery Wright was superb, he has a great look of a tough old vet cop who is having to do manage super villains and mafia and a weekly paycheck.