Shin Costanza

Here here. RIP Jezebel.

Off-topic, but fuck Jim Spanfeller

The anti-Microsoft bias is wild. They’ve done nothing but good for the gaming industry consumer for most of the past half-decade.

Except AI can’t do that, because it’s built around copying preexisting ideas. By definition it can never create NPCs with unique traits, it can just take old traits and remix them.

Respectfully, aim a rocket launcher at the floor and fire

Yeah everybody should abandon ship cause that tells you everything you need to know about how they plan to do things going forward.

I fucking hate “reaction videos,” and have since their inception. Doing this for a war video adds a whole new layer of pathetic narcissism for clicks and attention.

Dont delude yourself. Companies from Disney to Ubisoft are working tirelessly to take as much humanity out of their projects as possible and replace them with computer generated content. The writer and actor strikes of this year are the absolute last time a strike will be effective, because now every company that

shrinkflation strikes again

Individual cops weren’t condemned (except maybe the lead SWAT guy) but American policing was. Militarized servants of hypercapitalism, with the desired “perfect cop” being an ultra-violent one with a human face but no humanity.

I still see this as a mayor loss to gamers.

Yes. Mostly the copaganda riffs were based on how much violence cops could get away with in the pursuit of “the law” but even that was less ACAB than mockery of heroic media portrayals. This particular complaint in the article seems pretty odd. And unfortunately just plays into many complaints about the G/O sites

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Corporations are obsessed with control over the market. AI art is their ticket to control an individual’s creative freedom, in a corporate controlled society - you cannot satisfy a system that thrives on insatiable greed. The AI bros may praise it for the convenience it brings, but little did they know(or actually did

A hilariously terrible take. Hahaha holy shit. So...something awful made the world the way it is today, and we should be grateful to the billionaires who are permanently ruining our only planet and continue to jerk them off. Incredible reasoning.

Oh man, if it's years until the release, just think about how long until it's playable! 

News. It no longer means what you think it means.

This is Microsoft, one of the largest companies in the world, effectively giving anyone the tools to quickly create art featuring Mickey Mouse, Kirby, and other highly protected intellectual property icons committing acts of crime or terrorism.

The actual lesson: If you give a lot of money and freedom to really talented writers and directors, they can make a high-grossing, critically acclaimed movie out of anything, even a toy.

Because CEOs work a lot.