Shin Costanza

This doesn’t look like a how-to guide for BG3, does Spanfeller know about this?

I’m upset by this game.

Reagan is responsible for countless things after his death. He thought AIDS was funny, for one thing, and some of those people are still living (albeit with insane, ongoing costs).

So, pretty much like it’s human counterparts...

I will never understand the internet’s desire to cast Grimes as some cool anti-Elon hero when she has three kids with him and a history of liking racist tweets.

Saga being a Black woman is perfectly integrated into the story and even adds to the story during an early investigation scene.

Good subtitles can make or break a film/show, if you can’t understand the language. I loved Let The Right One In and saw it several times in the theater, and never purchased it because the DVD subtitles were notoriously bad.

Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone ever refer to Horizon as “underrated”

“Useless piece of shit”. Hey, here in TX we prefer to refer to him as “indicted yet somehow inexplicably not yet tried criminal piece of shit 

As someone who also owns both, theres nothing to me that indicates the ‘Xbox Experience’ is better. Maybe I’m missing something?

But also Xbox fumbled the ball a decade ago so people bought the PS4, and they get to keep all those games on PS5, so we’re kinda locked in. 

I didn’t realize something happening in the past was grounds to dismiss a suit.  I imagine the backlog of court cases should drop drastically now that we no longer have to consider things that have already happened.

Oh come now, they didn’t “lose.” A Trump appointed judge dismissed the case, which Disney would have anticipated and which they will have a response for, and the case will continue. A case being dismissed due to a lack of standing means that it wasn’t even considered on its merits, so Disney in no way “lost.” The

So you admit to not having actually played the game then, sad for you. Because if you had then you’d know that right before any of these scenes there are good Obvious options to just remain friends with the companions.

the “Report:” in front of stories like this should hopefully clarify that this isn’t an original story and is largely based on reporting from another - or multiple - pubs

You guys and anyone else who thought this would be positive really did go well out of your way to lie to yourself and ignore history. There is a reason monopolies were bad and we were supposed to stop them. There is a reason mass accumulation of wealth is bad and we were supposed to tax people to stop this from

Everybody noticing our profile pictures are all gone and won’t upload? So long commenters, it has been a good one.

Hilarious! “Freeing humans from drudgery” oh how noble.  “Removing the cost of labour from the money-making machine, no matter how deleterious for the society the factory-owners don’t live in”, there ya go, FTFY.

“Became” a circus?  It’s been one since the beginning. It’s the same all the same idiots running the crypto scams now moving into the AI scam and the same tech “journalists” are falling for the same scam all over again. 

Everyone’s outraged...

...but not enough to divest.