Jerykk gonna jerryk.
Jerykk gonna jerryk.
I don’t know what lizard-people level billionaires control the Republican party, but they are absolutely fantastic at their job. As much as they cry about Soros funding the supposed “communists,” they have way more money and influence to spread their propaganda. Whether it was the Red Scare or Satanic Panic or our…
“it will take a load off of developers,”
Yes. Typically when one gets laid off, their workload tends to shrink.
why does using something shitty that steals people’s work early get them a pass?
Proc-gen and “AI” are not the same thing. You’re confusing the two and setting them as if they are created or developed the exact same way.
People who stan for AI content masquerading as art fundamentally misunderstand art and should not be commenting on it.
20 million huh. I cannot help but wonder whether that is a “cost of operation” or an actual significant fine in this case.
Awesome right? x
Oh, he’s being accused of the thing he has been doing in the open for years? Ok.
“Nope. The reason they’re failing is because stationary exercise bikes are the most boring and ineffective way to achieve and maintain fitness...”
Eat shit, netflix
Trump is a fascist moron. Desantis is a complete weirdo with the personality of wet paper towel, but he is an intelligent fascist. Definitely way worse.
rd is not at all better.
The amount of malice behind the push for AI against artists’ behest and it being embraced by corporate really does tell a story. First we see artists being labeled “privileged” just for having a talent/skill/passion they chose to build and not be compensated, the push for “convenience” of AI shows how much they want…
You are a complete idiot
You’re legitimately an idiot if you think any corporation is adopting AI art tools to make it easier on their artists instead of outright replacing them. Like I really can’t stress how fucking stupid you have to be to not understand that.
We all know that this tech is not made to make worker more productive but to cut costs at all means and replace them.
The problem would be that the tool can erase the jobs of the artists that it is there to help. “Make more productive” is something only a business owner should care about anyways. The actual worker should be trying to make their best work, not make more work to satisfy some faceless investor that is salivating at the…