Shin Costanza

I’m excited. Enjoyed the main game once I got the concept down

Guess I’ll have to wait a year after release for this to hopefully be ported to Switch or PS4/5

Can’t let a Black man be great smh

I don’t know man...3D in anime doesn’t put me off like a lot of people so I made my decision to watch back when the teaser dropped.

Macklemore beat Kendrick. What do YOU think?

Nora From Queens” isn’t the part that feels tacked on

Should be in Dallas where it belongs.

Wait, the full title is “Awkwafina Is Nora From Queens”?

Seems like a cool concept but also something that could only be implemented 1 or 2 times before it gets way too gimmicky. 

Sup party people”

Been replaying Gravity Rush 2 while I play through Atelier Ryza. Also will play some Metal Slug in short bursts whenever.

Anime avy

I, for one, hope everyone is able to successfully sue the Mouse bc fuck em

Imagine willing being absorbed by Facebook, knowing what we know about them today.

Die Hard Arcade was the reason I bought one lol

This is....disappointing.

This is good progress as far as representation goes. I still wish Dontnod would take a stab at action games again.

Just drink your Monster Energy Drink® and relax.

Love that one doctor hitting his squat and ignoring the patients.

This would’ve been a great article for Deadspin :( RIP