
So if it was a wanted pregnancy, you wouldn’t be pissed if your choices led to your child dying? Like, you wouldn’t complain that the medical professionals took you at your word, even though they knew what the outcome of a patient’s shitty, uninformed decision would be? If I were an OB, I’d wish I could reject that

Yeah... I’m pro-choice, but I would not trust my judgment about whether my fetus would be fine, and not over my doctor’s judgment. I know a lot of things, but I’m not qualified to make that call and expect a good outcome. I can say “no, I’d rather let the fetus die so I can say I gave natural birth” .. but yeah,

That quote just tells me that the physician was being cautious and was concerned about a negative outcome. He’d be irresponsible to make definitive statements before serious distress happened.

Well, if we argue that a patient’s wishes can’t be overridden if the fetus is not immediately in distress (in the case of a c-section/extended delivery), then can we logically argue against the laws that prevent an obgyn from inducing labor/providing a medically necessary abortion before the fetus/mother are in

I don’t know, but at 34 hours of labor, and both lives being in my hands as the OBGYN, I’d pursue the best route for mother & child. Because guess who’s head is on the block if something goes wrong? The OBGYN having a medical degree and experience, over someone who doesn’t and doesn’t fully appreciate the risks.

According to the dude who played Stanford, it’s “All or None” and they can’t move forward without any of the main characters. Obviously they’re harassing Kim b/c that somehow carries weight, and because they stand to make some decent money.

The whole point was that she didn’t - she unexpectedly walked in on her friend giving a blow job when they had an appointment, and it was weird. Samantha turned it into more than that.

Because they all allegedly made a deal in regard to the franchise that it’s “All or none” — so they feel they can’t move on without her participation. I don’t care about another lackluster movie, and I’m certain the majority of people that still care certainly don’t care about the character of Samantha and her hammy,

Good point, why wasn’t it instated at the founding of the nation? At the turn of the 19th century? At the turn of the 20th century? In the 60s? 70s? 80s? 90s? Was it not still the right thing to do at all of those various points in time? OH.. you mean public attitudes were still changing? And our elected officials act

Just kill Samantha off. The character is annoyingly over-the-top, hammy, and a relic of the late 90s. Like, almost everyone that used to say “hehe, I’m a Samantha” has grown up. If I can recall correctly, her storyline was dead anyway.

I thought we were talking about fast food, not “good restaurants”

As for dirty metal straws, you can sterilize them with high pressure hot water or run a small pipe-cleaner in them. I use a Q-tip and a wire brush at home. As for mold in the soda lines, only a small percentage of the population has an allergic reaction to airborne mold.

I trust Jack in the Box for that reason. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to get a shake and the machine has been “down” for cleaning. I don’t eat fast food, but I’m a milkshake junkie.

That reminds me of the origin story of “White Trash” or Poor White Trash. Basically, as per Harriet Beecher Stowe, house slaves saw the poor, subsistence living whites and how filthy and degraded they were, and designated them “white trash”. Those whites, with attitudes you still see today, were obviously deeply

This. They think racism is dressing up in white robes and using epithets with the hard “-er”. They don’t recognize how insidious it is, and how much it seeps into every day life, and the subconscious biases they carry.

I know, it’s so weird they’d try to represent the interests of the majority.

With all of the bullshit this administration is pulling, I’ve started looking at things like this as part of a roadmap for the legislation that needs to be passed for people in the future. The very clear, concise lawmaking that the next round of GOP hatemongers and fucktards won’t be so easily able to overturn at

That’s what happened when I first visited the Raised By Narcissists subreddit.

Mass Media Communications and Logic & Critical Thinking should be required in high school, instead of college, so the majority of people actually learn how to evaluate information and identify bullshit.

I don’t know about McCarthy being right, seeing as we’re far from a Communist state, but the Russians have certainly had a great deal of influence lately, haven’t they? Good job, champ.