
Yep, and it wasn’t until the snaps were released that she decided “bitch” was what she took offense to, as opposed to her initial response of being upset that Kanye claimed he made her famous (which she thought was tongue-in-cheek and signed off on, “however you want to say it”)

>It’s why she let the world know, last week, that she co-wrote the Calvin Harris - Rihanna song.

It’s a snap. You can only record in increments.

Camilla’s tweet following the snaps was solid

They might even be... dank.

THE REVENNNNNGE... IT IS SWEET. Katy, Calvin, John, Kim & Kanye.. I wonder who else is gonna get on this train. The Jonas bro? The long haired one directioner? Who else did she put on blast via song?

Hahaha, Kim is the Cersei we deserve.

IIRC, it was a body double/look alike. Could be wrong though.

How do we know they were in California? Taylor has residences in New York, Rhode Island, etc. and Kanye records in different places (including NYC). Also, if Kanye has his recording sessions filmed documentary-style (as per reports, and additional footage not snapped) I’d imagine releases are involved - especially

If I lived near that I would totally put out flowers and maybe some votives.

But then you’d face into obscurity and wouldn’t be able to afford that awesome house.

She was being pretty steadily harassed on social media, and took a step back and had her team or whatever take it over. So, she may not have made a comment on the situation due to that.

People were speculating based on likes and follows after Calvin Harris called her out. I think that prelude really framed the Ta-Ye drama.

He said he didn’t care about it, he’s used to scandal/controversy. Kim decided to do something about it because she didn’t like him being wrongly maligned (unlike his interrupting Taylor’s speech) — and likely for their own boost from the controversy. He didn’t prop her up to defend him.

He read her the lyric about “making her famous” by creating controversy, and she agreed with him (jokingly) and said the idea was great and to go with whatever lyric he thought best. Then she played it off (in her award acceptance speech) as if she was outraged by him literally claiming credit for her fame (which

There’s one way to get the press off your back about kimye drama —- get (temporarily) engaged! Then the engagement can be called off down the road after it all blows over, reframing Swift as the victim of a mercurial lover.

Holy shit. That would be rich after she called out Harris. And after Ryan Adams covered her album praising her writing ability.

I love the image of Taylor losing her mind after Kim’s snap, and throwing her phone in a screaming fit.

It wouldn’t have if she hadn’t made a stand in her speech about Kanye taking credit for her success. When Kim released the recording of her not only agreeing but further approving the various iterations of that line, she then turned it into an issue over the use of the term “bitch”.

You can’t out mean girl the Kardashians.