
I read it as Charlie's father simply being happy with having a child, and not needing the superficial objects to be happy.

oh cool, thanks for the response. i can see your source, but i’m confused by their press release. So much that I’m actually gonna call their PR rep myself tomorrow no joke. In the same sentence that claims Miradry has FDA clearance for reduction of hair, they link to the “mirasmooth” website. So it gives me the

That’s not the sun.

The headline is about underarm hair but halfway through the article we are talking about sweating? I’m confused.

Honestly, whenever I buy shirts from those sites, I dig around for info on manufacturer with fingers crossed that they ARE American Apparel shirts. Because the alternative is usually some cheap-ass scratchy garbage, or a cotton/poly pill factory, or one of those fucking Hanes Beefy Tees that’s like wearing an

“Fuck outta here”

wait what makes you think he is creepy

Yeeeeah, I’m going to need something a little more substantial than “It’s women’s empowerment because it benefits meeee!” before I start thinking it’s anything more than the same tired bullshit. Things that range from terrible to useless benefit the people selling them all the time - that’s capitalism. It doesn’t make

I don’t know — you now how people have different categories of friend? Like I have my friends I go to baseball games with, and my friends I play trivia with, and my friends I see movies with.

Lenny’s not a regular dad. He’s a cool dad.

That gif is the best thing I've seen in my life up to this point.

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Dude, what? Were you reading Are You There God at 8?

Judy Blume: replacing people’s moms since 1970.

this has been stuck in my head all day

The problem with these pinatas is that instead of candy, little Trump toupees fall out.

I didn’t appreciate this shit! Not one IOTA!

The Gawker open office plan looks like my version of hell. I say this from behind the closed door of my space heater warmed office while listening to Fleet Foxes at full volume.

At the sound of any dog noises, Adorable puppy cries included, my dog loses his fool mind and acts like we are facing some sort of WWIII level attack. He’s so sure we need to reach for the nukes, and I’m like ‘ buddy, its a YouTube video’. Occasionally he looks embarrassed.

my three dogs are very upset for Peanut Butter. They are all crowded around my computer trying to solve this puppies problems.