
Kids are little parrot-sponges, they’ll imatoot just about whatever reaction the adults around them have towards life. Me thinks they are imitating daddy when it comes to the value of “stuff” (plus kids just naturally don’t like to share, combine that with rampant cultural materialism and parental allowance and you

Am I a bad person because my immediate thought was “They have way too much shit in their yard”? My mum would have let us have a swing set, or a pool, or a trampoline, assuming we’d put it away when we were done using it, but no way would she let us clutter up her entire garden with our garish plastic crap.
I dunno,

She’s probably happy to get that ugly pool out of her backyard!

That wretched child’s mother is a ray of sunshine, compared to her daughter. I can ALMOST hear her glee over the bears in the pool and the distress it’s causing her family.