
I agree with you LJ909, if you were irresponsible go pay for it to get it fixed. Instead like being happy they got their ass covered with the plan, they complain bcs the have to go few miles outside of campus. Its like I have a car, but I like driving while I’m drunk. Then I crash the car injuring myself and the

Funny to see that almost all sided here with the mainstream media. Considering that this is mostly liberal site, you would think that they are rebels against oppressing government. Just like most of liberals, fought against their conservative parents. Two decades later you became what your parents were back then. And

Now if only MSM sometimes admitted they made a mistake like youtubers, that would be great. Looks like they are flawless. Wonder why almost all MSM blocked comments on their pages? This is one of the reasons they are loosing audience. Ppl now want feedback, interaction. Consumer behavior changed because of games,

Papers are built on TREE GENOCIDE. Down with the treeophobes.

This should be great game for liberals. Feeeeliiings: The Game

“Restrictive voter ID laws are largely targeted at poor black and hispanic communities in largely rural areas.” So what about whites from rural areas? Aren’t they affected to? What about swamp rednecks? Who do you think they would vote for? My view is that social status, not race or gender are cause this issues. And

Well, some believe that there are 52 genders?  What’s reason behind that, biology and science aren’t for sure. It’s these emotions you talk about, they want everyone to “feel” good in their skin. Some filter facts based on their religion. Extreme left and extreme right are completely same, they have irrational fears

I’m from Europe. And truth is that media filter whatever doesn’t fit their agenda. Report on daily attacks are never in national news in fear of being label fascist. You can find reports on various local news, where crime happens. Result of this is that extreme right wing is getting stronger here. I considered myself

Now playing

This video proves my point. White elitist on everyday issues.

Alt right, nazi >insert random label< bla bla you devalue meaning of the world because somebody has different view and disrespect real victims of horror regimes. Grow up.

I completely agree, times are changing. That’s why Republicans won everything, and Trump is president. People are sick of this white college elites living under glass bell, sponsored by their rich parents, “protecting” minorities like they are some kind of their pets because they have to much time on their hands and

People need to remember actors are not roles they play. Princess Leia will live forever. Sad to lose a any human being, but most of them lost themselves long time ago with drug abuse. Addictions were escape from reality and the sad truth that all of them are here as long as they play by the script, and that doesn’t

Lol you are real sensei on how to be weak. Your pathetic atempts of an insults scream that, deep down you know you I’m right. Your posts contain vivid description of your own life. Because your mind is in that state its all you think about. I’m more educated, more handsome and i fkd more girls you have seen in your

Don’t know why you got into defensive mode, looks like I hit a nerve there.
It’s ok buddy, never heard of that term “pegging”, you should delete your history, don’t want your mom see what you searched for you little wanker.

No point in proving anything, just get out and observe next time, it will be eye opening. Body

Of course, banning gay propaganda won’t have any influence on percentage of homosexual people in some community.

Look at the larger image. In my opinion they are protecting roles that man and women have in their society. The following may see offtopic, but this represent current state of west, which is direct result

And LOL at this part “I mean, you can’t even take credit for your own decisions you have to tell me it’s my fault you did something”...russians hackers did it, it’s fake news. And cut your fancy words, and mentioning high school sociology terms to prove you have some education. We know you majored in some philosophy

Spinoza won’t help you with this one.

You prove my point mentioning moral relativism. I agree there are no good or evil thing by itself, it depends on interpretation. Why do you force mixing cultures that have different perspective on same actions and you assume INTEGRATION.

Now go back to your safe space. Lemme know

Yea It stands there, so we can laugh at it. Your simplified buzzfeed view on the world is sad.

No I’m not talkin about Iran. Iran are Shia muslims and not my concern. Wehabi sect of the sunni muslim are the ones imigrating europe and usa, sponsored by saudi arabia, infiltrated in refugees are. And how can you assume assimilation if they were hijabs and burkas and surround themselves with only of their own?


Fair point, why don’t you take that views and apply them to islam communities, that follow the exact teaching of quran(not the ones like Cenk TYT, or your atheist-muslim friends which adopted our western values). What do you think about their view on LGBT, women rights, forming a state that’s not secular? Russians