
@Rob47: I do find a certain irony in the evolution of our phones, from the original brick, down the phones smaller than the RZR, and we now begin to creep up to phones too big to fit in the pocket again.

Yeah. This is one of those "cooler on paper" kind of ideas. The Mall Ninja reference was spot on.

@Rob47: 2.x, maybe?

@Arken: Theres always mcDonald, where you can go and get your "coffee" and your "burger" with a minimum of questions. Not better or worse, just a different product.

@infmom: Then youre not grilling nearly often enough. ;)

@Agrippa: Good God I love the smell of money on a Sunday afternoon.

@VeLAWLceraptor: Its actually ironic that you brought the iPhone up as something which is impressive, after calling for innovation on Microsofts part.

@EkoZulu: Agreed. Even at our 1 year unemployed thriftiest, we always try to get a little something from the concession stand, if but to try to help them make a couple of dollars.

@Dogen: Fair enough. Reading the first paragraph again a couple of times, I can concede the contradiction argument.

@copytron: mostly, yes. Largely because most deliveries are made during business hours, when "most" people are at work and not home to receive their packages.

@Eddie Sarphie: What IS your "significant number "? As this is a term that may be subjective from user to user, based on the number itself, as well as the types of apps as used by that person , I am curious as to your criteria for that term.

@Dogen: He's actually right, though. Its a sensationalist headline, followed up by a contradictory body. Its about the same as a magazine putting "Person X is a huge a-hole" on the cover, to get you to purchase, then the article inside explaining how they actually aren't an a-hole, but really a good guy.

@Mr.Affrox: yeah, thats a whole lot of nothing compared to what goes on in the processing facilities. Its a cell phone, not a Fabrge Egg.


@lpranal: Funny, my kids say the same thing. "I cant get jack for a buck!"

@Manly McBeeferton: You forgot the part about where she rambles endlessly afterwards about how she is a ground breaker and artist.