If you can change the battery in a TV remote, you can work on EV packs.
If you can change the battery in a TV remote, you can work on EV packs.
I’m interested in an IROC Blazer.
You misunderstand the question. What people are asking is why the hell are they still living there, given how hurricanes make a mess of this area. If you insist on living there knowing this, you know what, good luck, you are on your own. I give no fucks.
I’d fuck her.
I would give up my right arm to be ambidextrous.
best song with use of “sovereign”
That god damn tiger.
If you want to help the GS in a monetarily better way (and still have cookies), buy the cheaper knockoff and give the price difference directly to them.
That USB box just looks clunky and tacked on, not an elegant implementation.
And don’t most cars have a clearcoat? That’s not paint. If anything, you never even touch the paint.
It’s a shame Walter White is not alive, this would have been a good area for him to work in.
That is one ill fitting jacket. The back of it is all bunched up like a hobo’s coat.
Wait. Did you just say a Beanie Babies Hotwheel?
According to the woke-niks, you are supposed to pull the trailer yourself, on foot.
Tell em a Negro is trying to steal it, they will be there in one minute.
That’s because intentionally designing a beautiful car that breaks down every 5 miles is hard.
That means having a centralized clearing house/database of autos valid to have plug and play charging, or having some type of roaming agreement. All of these involve even more infrastructure, which means more cost in charging. And guess who ends up paying for it?
To this moment, daily I still plot the perfect comeuppance on Edward Gelmer for constantly hogging the cool toys before class started during kindergarten.
Visser said the U.S. franchise laws are “insanely complicated.
So you are saying that ICE vehicles are “better” because everyone has a personal gas pump at their apartment?