
hello there and welcome to 2017, maybe refrain from using the word ‘retarded’ in a pejorative fashion because it’s widely recognized as a shitty thing to do

Perhaps you should take your own advice...or are you just going to IGNORE all of the context (i.e., voter suppression...sexism...Russians dumping emails...etc., etc.)...I mean...MY GAWD...the GOP had to get a WHOLE NOTHER SUPERPOWER...just to eek out a cheating win this time...I guess in order to win next

She wasn’t a great canidate. But Joe, the former Senator from Bank of America who drafted and still defends the 1994 Crime Bill, thinks he would have been a better one. Which is absurd.

Color me shocked. With everything coming out now do we really need to keep debating why Clinton lost? This bullshit about her not being good enough is... just bullshit.

God, I miss Hillary.

God I wish she’d won. I feel approximately 400 years older as a result of the current administration.

I wish she was my President.

Wow. sometimes you think you just can’t love anyone anymore then you already do, and then you see something like this.

Looks like a pair of heavy ass drapes hanging on a wall

He sent a sext of his hard dick with his infant child lying right next to his crotch- you don’t see how that’s inappropriate? This is something he thought was ‘hot’ and would attract an underage girl.

You make a good point, I completely forgot about the fact that they’re more than likely grifting from the other members of their cult. Jim Bob does strike me as the kind of person who would spend frivolously for himself (and also his sons). Despite money from the ultra-conservative circle that family rolls in, there

No thanks. Looks like a vintage 1990s prom dress, both in cut and quality.

i think she can pull this off.

This on par with Gwyneth Paltrow’s pretty pretty princess pink dress levels of boring.

Looks like it was made from a couple of bed sheets.

This is a kind of bad time for Katy to be releasing songs saying she’s still winning and coming out on top, considering her last 2 singles flopped on the charts. (This is not a defense of Taylor tho.)

There is nothing about this family that isn’t skin-crawlingly creepy. The weird vacant expressions, the 1980s hair done to please some pervy old man, the stepford smiles, the fact that they “blanket train” (aka hit) BABIES. It’s all so weird.

The FBI investigation also interfered with the 2016 election, after officials found a handful of emails from Clinton that Abedin had forwarded. The discovery prompted former FBI Director James Comey to announce the FBI was reopening its investigation on Clinton’s use of a private email server days before the November

Funny my name keeps comin’ outcho mouth,
