


You should read the article, it answers your question.

Way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

How many years ago was the loofah thing? I mean, I get that he was protected by Roger Ailes, but it feels like that was several years over a decade ago, and the Murdochs have finally decided it’s time to review the allegations against him? Well done, fellas!

You know people can be Cuban AND white, correct?

But Jezebel doesn’t say he identifies as white, and I’m not sure why it matters whether he identifies as white Cuban American or just a Cuban American. He used a racial slur for another race and was insulting and degrading to a colleague in a professional setting. There’s no amount of context about his background

Bless your heart.

You’re the type of person who’d be all, “Listen, we can engage fascist and racists and show them the error of their ways.”

Lol at this entire comment. The mean coloreds won’t let me in their club and now I have a chip on my shoulder that i randomly bring up when writing to strangers on the internet. This entire comment is exhibit #43214214321452134321343214321 as to why white folks would crumble if faced with the type of prejudice they

You know, even if there wasn’t a comparable way for white students to get help, I wouldn’t care. This “the individual is the only thing that matters, groups don’t exist” is all very well in theory but it isn’t borne out by reality, and systemic factors mean that on average minority students at Stanford may well be

Ditto, ditto. I haven’t made a study of her career but I like some of her music, all the way back when she was singing country songs. It’s not like she hasn’t been writing songs based on her life experiences - like pretty much every other songwriter - for years. Some are happy, some are sad, some are about bad

I’m so far up Harry’s ass...

Mention Harry and I’m like

Yes. Whedon’s work is rife with slut shaming/punishing any woman character who has sexual agency. It’s just really icky and totally belays his feminist ally cred. It just bugs me how people still buy into Whedon being such a feminist.

guarantee if you could ask the man himself without reflexively vomiting at the sight, he wouldn’t remember having said it and would probably just guess, or else talk about something else altogether

I’m arguing with my wife’s redneck family members about the MOAB attack, which they are fucking ecstatic over (like, literally cheerleading on Facebook). I asked them why we needed to use the GBU-43, which from my understanding detonates midair to hit surface targets, against underground targets like tunnel networks.

The interesting thing is everyone on Survivor seemed to know it was wrong immediately whereas much of Gawker was shocked by the negative reaction to that piece.

Oh, the irony. I wonder how the CFO of Conde Nast feels about this.