
Honestly I quite enjoyed La La Land and I think the backlash is kinda ridiculous. Fite me irl?

See you tomorrow.

THIS now more than ever. Thank you. He never got it, he never will. On the very day that Trump’s policies are directly, I mean directly, hurting our Muslim brothers and sisters I am STILL hearing this shit about Bernie? Ugh.

Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat. He has spent every moment since the election (and he didn’t campaign for Hillary, so disabuse yourself of that notion) bashing her, enriching himself, bashing “identity politics,” and “political correctness” and in general being the same all talk, no action white dude he has been his

She can so go fuck a porcupine.

100% with you on this -- never a cent fom me again, nor ratings.

She is dead to me.

Cute. Susan Sarandon still aint shit tho

I wont even give her the views.

I would watch it if Susan Sarandon wasn’t in it. She and her thirsty daughter need to go away and never come back.

Looks great. Too bad I’m never seeing it. I’m not giving a penny to Susan Sarandon as long as she lives.

Fuuccckkkkkkkkk Susan Sarandon.

I find it fascinating that Marty Walsh and Mark Wahlberg both grew up in 1970s Dorchester. #notallirishguysfromdorchester

If I had a nickel for every time I yelled “look at this fucking guy” while driving in the Commonwealth, well, I could afford to buy a house there.

AND all of us former MA residents who moved to NH to tip the scales for the democrats up here! And because our jobs moved us here but that is BESIDE THE POINT. By the way, is anyone surprised he’s from Worcester? I’m from central MA originally and when I saw this I was like, “of course.”

I really don’t think we need to expose MORE Muslims to this asshole.

Man that’s a lot of economic anxiety.

Yes - get out and march every time there’s a good reason. Don’t wait for the big ones, let your local leaders see how pissed off you are.

You hit the nail on the head.

Been First Lady, served as Secretary of State, won a Democratic Presidential primary. Provided HIV drugs to 9 million people...