Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
I have always felt that consent is a necessary, but not sufficient, component of sexual dynamics. As you say, being consensual does not make something ethical.
You must be getting so many replies from outraged submissive women who insist that it’s really their own endogenous kink to be subservient to men, despite the fact that we live in a culture where women are outright told to be subservient to men.
Oh, I still believe that Trump did not want to win and did not expect to win. (f— you, Comey). But now that he has, his ego won’t let him step down because that would be admitting he wasn’t capable of doing something.
Looks like that’s what the Mexican government is trying to wake people up to — that their only option aside from “do nothing” would be to respond in kind, although the whole affair would be risky. Nonetheless, from their point of view they’d be in trouble either way and in more trouble if they sat back, so they’d have…
I wonder if Trump and his ilk have noticed how much the US exports to Mexico and what those companies are going to do when Mexico starts slapping retaliatory tariffs on them.
She lost by 10,000 votes in MI, 22,000 in WI and 44,000 in PA.
The “Oppression Olympics” is what we used to call civil rights, feminism, gender equality, etc. But I guess it is easy for you to deem that unimportant.
I wanted to like Sanders. I really did. But he was an intellectually lazy one-note buffoon. A socialist who was too lazy to follow what had actually been happening in Europe for the past 25 years, and who had no coherent economic policy that rose beyond “free college” and single payer.
First off, Democrats can’t primary Sanders. He’s an independent. At best they could run a primary to nominate someone against him in the general.
I’m sorry but what you need to realize is that Bernie wasn’t any better and would have been annihilated by trump if he ran.
The problem with Bernie is that he never did his part to help Democrats win. He never helped the team. He just helped Bernie Sanders. Bernie stayed in the race two or three months too long yelling about Clinton being corrupt the entire time. After losing, Bernie didn’t hit the trail for Hillary but worked on his…
Democrats tried to focus on a single issue in 2016: Defeating Trump to ensure women, people of color, Muslims, and our environment were protected. Sanders most dedicated (and almost overwhelmingly white) base decided that wasn’t important enough.
If a woman chooses to be a sub, that choice is not made in a vacuum. It is made by a woman socialized into rape culture and misogyny. “choice” (that can never really freely be given in a misogynist rape culture like ours) does not mean that a choice is not harmful to the one choosing it.
Do you have the right to…
YES. I confine myself to written erotica for this reason.
Thank you for your comments in this thread. Sometimes I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when it comes to this “buuuut porn is sacred! embrace your sexuality! boners > abused & exploited women!” bullshit.
Living in a ‘factors leading to’ paragraph is terrifying.
That and the cartoonishly rampant racism the porn industry seems to harbo[.]
It’s a major victory for the porn industry that pornography is seen as normal and something “all guys use.” At the same time there is also this stigma of shame and condemnation, almost exclusively directed at the actresses.