
I guess. But he needs to get better at his nagging. The conservatives have already cornered the market on trying to push liberals into “Hey, I thought you guys were all sensitive and never criticize anyone” corner. That trying to micromanage liberal sensitivities is bullshit. I can call someone a fuckwit AND still

Guy who nags liberals and talks endlessly about his home country, making it clear he really doesn’t understand American culture. Oh, plus lasering in on the least important aspect of a story (I still haven’t gotten over the time his hot take on Kasich was... that news anchors pronounced his last name two different

He thinks you can just fall on your belly and that it will work. Because he doesn’t know how lady parts or pregnancy works.

Things you don’t know about and may want to look up before bringing them up:

“Abortion should be cheap and available on demand without shaming or lies. Period.”

And he of ALL people shouldn’t be tightly parsing someone’s attempt at humor, giving his history with Tweets and his weak attempts at explaining them. Why can’t he fucking stick to the real subject? There’s more than enough material for comedic observations there.

You’d rather throw yourself down the stairs? Like, the option where you’re more likely to break an arm or leg than abort the baby?

I get your ire re: That Kiss, Bobby. When this stops having an uncomfortable ‘look how outrageous I’m being’ tone, I’ll stop being irritated. I saw a lot of people on my twitter TL loving this, and I think it’s important to not just consider someone’s motivations in just how they present to us, in our bubbles, but how

Oh yeah...there was a behind of the scenes pic of Phoenix, dressed as Jesus, taking a smoke break that went around a few months ago. It’s gonna be...something.

Maybe she didn’t have the money? Maybe she didn’t have the time? Maybe she couldn’t drive to the clinic? It is possible that she is on substances. It is also possible that she was desperate. I get what you’re saying, but it is the south and abortions aren’t exactly easy to obtain here.

“In the upcoming movie ‘Mary Magdalene’ Rooney Mara plays the title character, with Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ.”

You could also use knitting needles if you wanted. Or a timely fall down the stairs. Or if you have access to one and are near an emergency room, you can try an abdominal gun shot.

What, exactly, was she supposed to do? Wait for the Abortion Fairy? There aren’t a lot of options in Tennessee, even in the less-horrible-than-the-rest middle part. This is exactly why abortion needs to be safe and legal.

Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ

The coat hanger thing is how largely how abortion came to be legal in the first place. If you take away a woman’s access to medicine, this is the result and it’s ugly.

Minutes on google will make you understand.

I recommend you don’t try to educate yourself.
Its pretty horrible.

Desperation. Not so hard to understand.

when women has no other choice for an abortion

What about this is hard to understand?