At my computer reading a Barry Petchesky Deadspin article.
Elementary school recess, just this afternoon.
I'm just glad all these kids were straight. If one of them had been gay this might be a distraction.
"Our business is to win games"
They don't look it on the ice because it's not spring yet.
oops, I forgot my ignorant pro Redskins comment. If the Redskins go, so do the Chiefs and Indians.
Best Klans In Baseball
My mother raised 6 Sun Devils. Saddest thing I've read in years.
[tentatively raises hand]
I don't know how we switched from NYC to Chicago, but as a resident of the latter, I'm into this.
As a once proud alumna of this school, I have to say receiving that CLA email made me want to spit. It brought back every negative experience I had as a woman and as a Black person. I gained so much from attending L'ville, but the best thing I learned was that the world is handed to those who do the least to deserve…
Kill football.
God this show sucks right now. Can't believe they kept Jost over Cecily
What interactions have you had with him?
FIFA needs to get its mind out of the Qatar.
Psalms 3:16 is where baseball's unwritten rules can be found.
"Yeah, why didn't the good kids ever pass it to me? I know they were busy nutmegging the entire defense before curling a thirty-yarder into the top corner, but dammit, it wasn't any fun knowing I'd never get the chance to sky a couple of the crossbar like I'd practiced at home!"
Major League Baseball will retire the position of shortstop when Derek Jeter plays his last game. This way all will know of the hole that Derek Jeter filled when he played the game.