
That's the whitest resume I've ever seen.

Hey we cover all products on Commerce.

Hey we cover all products on Commerce.

I want to say this about mental illness, because I think this is important, at least to me.

digital noise generators

@Kioli and yes. Someone whose lawyer knows that the picture is going to be everywhere less than 12 hours later

God, this is going to be so embarrassing for Dolan when he finds out that Trayvon Martin is not the name of the cars that James Bond drives.

TV crew made a nice camera transition to rapist Ben Roethlisberger before the commercial.

I'm cool with what he said because he wasn't trying to take my guns away.

"Ignorance is not a suitable defense."

Can someone explain to me what does the video change? We already had the footage of him dragging his unconscious ass wife out of the elevator - but now that we've got video we need to lay the smack down? No, he should have been cut and suspended from the team the second the arrest happened. And also, fuck Olbermann

Sure. Especially if the charity is something like Pistols for Pandas. They need all the firepower they can get!

I like to wear cargo shorts and pack a PBR in every pocket.

Personally, I think this shows major progress on the part of Montero. Earlier in the year, he'd have just thrown an empty ice cream sandwich wrapper.

The name can't change because of tradition, but he'd be fine with allowing the team to play out of any locality within 50 miles if they offer $1 more than DC.

Angel Di Maria: This is impressive, I am very excited.

Snoop Dogg on: I still at a disconnect to think the headline of 'terrible people' is unfair if we don't know the full story? I am in no way taking a side in this, and the police are out of control...but if in a week a cell phone video of Darren Wilson getting fucked up and wrestling for the gun and being attacked again

However, subscriptions to Man/Ewe are still going strong in Scotland.