
This is also a real strong take.

Fuck Stanfurd

You do realize that dropping a cigarette into spilled fuel won't light it, right? It needs an actual spark or open flame. A cigarette will just be put out since it is not hot enough to light gasoline.

Cleveland receivers made the same gesture, but only because Johnny Manziel kept throwing the ball way the fuck over their heads.

Given how much press is given to male athletes even just coming out it's hilarious that people care so little about the WNBA two players can be engaged and it's still not even main page material on

This can't possibly be real.


When are we going to start talking about a real solution, such as separating academics and athletics at every level?

I have a totally unique and great take on this whole thing...they should change their logo to a potato. Like those redskin potatoes. I can't believe no one has thought of this before.

hey clark2jd, fellow Redskins (oops! Its always has been and will forever be racist and will always offend so you can just fuck off) fan here. I very much was born, raised, and for some dumb reason in my late 20's still continue to live in the DC area, and here's the fucking thing: all the other options to cover the

The one silver lining is that Wilson needn't look any further than the league commissioner to see what can be accomplished without a functional spine.

When asked about his opinion on Hamas, Emmitt Smith replied that it's too garlicky.

6th grade me is proud of the man I've become.

[Shoots link]
[Shoots link again]
[Shoots link again, despite coach waving wildly and screaming]
[Misses, accidentally tweets picture of genitals instead]

-JR Smith

These stats don't measure heart, playing the game the right way, determination, leadership, and grit, do they?

2015 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2015 Browns: [continue to suck]
2016 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2016 Browns: [continue to suck]
2017 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2017 Browns: [continue to suck]
2018 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2018 Browns: [continue

In defense of the Qatari government, they didn't expect the workers to still be alive.

He has a future in journalism.

You lost me at "for a foodie." I don't like foodies.