The 'Burbs

That Donald Trump would become President again.

Ecto-Cooler or GTFO

Salt bagel for life. Dry me out like a slug.

Absolutely! I actually take the parchment out as soon as the dough firms, so I get more of a crisp. But so much better than excess flour or cornmeal on the bottom of my pie.

Olive Garden: “Hey what did we do!  Leave us out of this!”

It all depends.

I hide from my children to eat snacks, I drink right in front of them. 

I posted a list in slideshow format. AITA?

I have a rational and very real aversion to his brother.  I know exactly why.

I own a 1917 Stephens touring car. It can go 37mph tops and the brakes are horrible so you have to think and look ahead. It really teaches you to be a better driver. For tooling around the neighborhood, going out to dinner, old car tours, the occasional parade or car show, it is a lot of fun. And you are always a one

I feel like fries need to be their own study

The Halloween treat that just keeps on sucking!

I associate little boxes of raisins more with shitty school lunches than with halloween. But regardless, it’s hard to fathom how grapes can be so good and raisins so bad. The world is full of mystery and wonder.

Nah, this is tacky as hell. Even if your theory is right, that just makes them passive-aggressive. I bet these people are Trump voters.

That man is the hero we need.

Counterpoint: Boneless chicken wings are indeed an abomination that should be thrown into the deepest pit of Hell.

Park is particularly angry to see that the same foods she was mocked for eating as a kid—kimchi, gochujang—have become trendy and profitable once they were “discovered” by white people.”

I’ll say a few things which will make it sound like I’m agreeing with this guy but hear me out until the end.

My favorite Dean Cameron movie (well, movie involving Dean Cameron) is the Emilio Estevez/Charlie Sheen vehicle Men at Work. He plays a pizza delivery guy who gets kidnapped by the Sheen brothers and Keith David after noticing that they have a corpse wearing a Nixon mask in their bathroom, but ends up assisting them