The 'Burbs

I love ssamjang. So easy to make and as noted, not only great for grilled meats, but the leftovers are a great for swiping through some cucumber or carrot sticks

This isn’t the slightest bit surprising.  Outside of the Impossible Whopper, has BK done anything in the last 20 years that hasn’t been an abject failure?  

Not sure you really needed to check with Emily Post on this one....

Burger -> Fries - > Pickle

Tell me you’ve never had a good bagel, without telling me you’ve never had a good bagel. 

Toasted means you are doing it wrong (unless you only have access to poor bagels)

But then the recipe mentions that it requires three whopping pounds of ground beef.

I feel like pancakes have a higher high, although not much higher than a waffle, but a much, much lower low.

Many years ago (maybe 15?), I spent a few weeks in Cincinnati for work. My experience went like this

Sounds delicious, although it looks like something Dana Perino would make

Also, the Quaker Instant Oatmeal? I eat it dry. No water.

They are both assholes.

I searched for KFC and that came up but dont know for sure; however, that is what every plate of fried chicken with a wing looks like, whether its from KFC, Popeyes or a restaurant. 

Grocery stores either sell them whole, like your picture, or cut them into the three component pieces but only packed the drummies and flats for sale. The tip has little meat but is good for making stock.

boneless, drums, and then flats

Never been to an Arby’s and that cross-section shot is not really compelling me to go to one either...

fawaffles, huh. I would’ve thought you’d go with wafalafel (waffle-lafel).

Huh?  It couldn’t be easier to cook in sous vide provided you have the equipment (sous vide rig and mason jars). Mix egg, heavy cream and anything else, pour in mason jars and sous vide for 20 min. 

Those are most definitely not a brick oven. The standard NY slices are made in a deck oven.

Foie gras is a pretty good call too. Its the melty/buttery factor that in my mind makes it very different from the soft gelatinous pork belly.