Shifty McShifterson

Torch, you are my spirit animal. This has to be the ultimate expression of “Slow Car Fast”. Whipping the snot out of a slow car is the most fun you can have in a car, period.

Not scary, but a couple of happy paranormal (?) bits.

Sharks be like:

“Farewell and adieu, you fair spanish ladies..."

“Zey belong here Mozambique."

Hair spray works great, the pressurized kind. 

My wife and kids are averse to spiders and house centipedes. It’s my job to handle the critters. Spiders get caught, admired, possibly photographed if they sit still long enough, then tossed outside.

I used to have a “pet” spider that had a web in a little gap between the window frame and wall of my parents’ garage. I used to catch flies in my hand, using the one-handed method from the article. I would stun the fly by throwing it onto a hard surface, then drop it into the web.

My now-wife and I were still dating around 1998-99 when we spent the weekend at her sister’s house, several hours from our respective homes. We were still in that magical, now-mythical period of fucking each other stupid at the drop of a hat. Well, we couldn’t even sleep in the same bed at sis’ house, much less boink,

Testify! I will go to my grave praising the GM stalk. So many functions on one control, with positive tactile feedback for each

Forgot where I read this: “Would you rather ride to 60 in 5s, or *drive* there in 5.5?"

Great article! I have tremendous respect for understated badass security forces like this.


In that case, and when diplomatic efforts fail, it will take a wiley group of Jalops to go in and rescue him. We’ll need a tough one, a funny one who dies tragically, a scared newbie who goes totally killing-machine right in the clutch, and a grizzled, reluctant veteran who’s seen some shit, man. Line forms to the

As with any fad, there are some who will take it too far:

I’m amazed and impressed already! It really seems well made for what it is, and so far, a solid value. 

Legit LOL’d.