Shifty McShifterson

Hate- HATE- the huge center touchscreen. In cars you need controls that stay in one place and provide tactile feedback to the driver- I can operate every button and switch in my POS Elantra without taking my eyes off the road. A touchscreen requires you to look at it to find what you want. And that thing is going to

I wish I had a relative who could pull a cool move like that. *hat tip*

We are as one, my friend. 

I... forgot what I was going to say.

Pff, you colossal nerd.

I’ve never heard the term “housing it” used like this. Is it a regional thing? It’s pretty cool, very evocative.

I see what you did there.

“Trailer? I hardly know 'er!"

Do not- DO NOT- fucking take off your shoes at work. Nobody wants to smell your rank-ass feet-stank.

Do not- DO NOT- fucking take off your shoes at work. Nobody wants to smell your rank-ass feet-stank.


Ratonomous cars? Ratonomous cars.

You’re not the boss of me.

It would be awesome if the spoiler flew off the MB and fell perfectly placed onto the car behind it, thusly:

He almost got more training than he could handle.

*type type type type*

No, seriously.

Stephen Miller is the Jared Kushner of Joseph Goebbelses.

There’s one of these in its box in my mom’s garage! Not identical, and the box has hilariously bad English, but it’s the same deal. Never used it, I think because it seemed particularly cheaply made and would probably set itself on fire before too long.

Shut it down and give this man his COTD.